Magical Love Realism | Teen Ink

Magical Love Realism

April 13, 2016
By tpennington0718 BRONZE, Chilhowie , Virginia
tpennington0718 BRONZE, Chilhowie , Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have <br /> -Bob Marley

Today, everything changed. I woke up this morning and did everything that I usually do to get ready for school, but something was different. My parents were sitting at the table eating breakfast together and they haven’t done that in months. Mom and dad have drifted so far apart that they don't even sleep in the same room, much less eat breakfast together. It was like something magical struck between them.

I went up to the table and dad said “Good morning sweetie, sit and I will make you a plate.” My dad was the type of man that believed if you wanted something done, you would do it yourself, so why did he want to make my plate? Something was happening to them and I am not sure what is going on. For breakfast we had eggs, bacon, and toast. My parents never let me eat bacon because of all the grease and fat.

Just as I was about to walk out to get in my car to go to school mom stopped me and said “Be careful sweetie, the atmosphere is changing.” When I got to school, everything was extremely different. Everyone was so loving and caring to each other, don’t get me wrong it is a good thing, but why? Usually at my school there was a fight everyday, but not today.

I remember reading a book about something similar to this. The book was about one particular person that had magical powers that changed everything. Could this be magic or am I dreaming? My teacher who is the meanest man that I have ever met walked in the class and said “Good morning class, I have decided to cancel the mid-term exam next week and give everyone a much needed free day.” My whole class gasped at what Mr.Reigns said, because at the beginning of the school year he told us that he did not believe in free days.

Was is just me or is something crazy going on around me?

When I got home some older man that I have never met before was sitting on my porch swing. “I was wondering when you were going to come home.” Said the man, “You don’t remember me, but I am you magical godfather.” The man explained to me that my mother and father were wizards before I was born, and when I was born their powers joined together and transferred into me, but I couldn’t use them until my mind and soul were strong enough.

Even if this was true, what makes me stronger today than I was yesterday? Everything that man had said made no sense to me until I remembered something my parents said. One evening a month or so ago I walked in on my parents saying something about me and powers. I just shook if off but now it made sense. If all of this is true, what kind of magic could I do?

When my mother and father got home I figured I should ask them what was happening around me. I walked into my mother’s room and asked her what she meant the day she was talking about me and powers. My mom acted surprised that I had heard her and didn’t say anything sooner. She told me that when her and my father were teenagers they were given magical powers but when they had me the powers transferred to me. “Why did you just now tell me this?”, I asked my mother.

You weren’t to know until the powers brought themselves out.” She said, “And, the powers are only to come out when you truly needed and wanted them, like today.” What she said seemed true because I really did want everyone to be nice and loving to each other, and I have had enough with the constant fighting. So, maybe I did do this and maybe it is a good thing.

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