Honeymoon | Teen Ink


April 14, 2016
By lucas444 BRONZE, Brandy Station, Virginia
lucas444 BRONZE, Brandy Station, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“What’s your name?” I asked. I smiled as she replied with “Honeymoon”, what a strange name, I thought. I liked it.
“What’s yours?” She asked. I was caught up in her fluttering eyes. She had long, blonde, glowing hair. Her blue eyes glittered as she waited for my response.
“Spencer”, I finally said. Our gaze was interrupted by the vibration of my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw “Mother” flashing across the screen.
I held up my pointer finger to Honeymoon and answered the phone.
“Where are you?” She questioned in a bit of a high tone.
“Mother don’t worry, I’m just walking around town and I’m staying on the sidewalk.” I said.
She sighed, “Sidewalks are not the point. Please get home, now.”
I looked at Honeymoon with despair on my face. “Okay, I’ll be home.”
The glittering of her eyes faded to a pause. “I was having fun”, she said.
“Let’s meet here again tomorrow?” I asked, she nodded with a grin.
When I walked in the house mother was tapping her nails on the kitchen counter like she always does. She looked up at me, “Spence, you cannot keep leaving without telling anyone.”
       I took a seat beside her. “Mother, you barely ever let me go out. It’s wonderful out there” I said.
     “Yes, but it isn’t safe for someone like you” she said. I hated that, I never knew what she meant by that.
   “But, I meant someone delightful today!”
    That turned her spirits around, as I saw she was interested. “Well, tell me about them.”
    “Her name is Honeymoon” I replied.
   “What a unique name. How is she delightful?” Mother asked.
    “When she’s happy her blue eyes glisten and sparkle. We had such a great time, we went to the park and everything and then I finally asked for her name.” I said.
    She smiled, she saw I was happy, “She does sound quite wonderful.”
   “Can I visit her tomorrow?” I asked.
    She sighed, I knew she couldn’t say no when I lowered my head and widened my eyes. “Alright fine, but Spencer, only for a little.”
   I smiled., “Thank you!” I headed up to my room. “Isabella! What’re you doing in my room?” I yelled.
   She jumped, I saw she was only playing with my toy cars. “Sorry,” she said. I told her it was okay. “Where have you been?” She asked me.
    “I met someone new.”
  “Oh that’s fun. I’ve been stuck here all day with mommy.” She said.
   “I’m so tired Isa.”
   “Oh me too.” She skipped across the hall and into her room.
The next morning I slept in as long as I could so I didn’t have to wait most of the day to see Honeymoon. Mother finally made me get out of bed and do chores. By the time I finished and ate it was almost 4pm. “Can I go now?” I asked mother.
    “How about I go with you so I can meet her?” She asked.
   “I mean, I guess I don’t mind.” 
We walked and talked for a while until we reached the spot. It took Honeymoon about five minutes to get there. “Hey!” I yelled to her. She approached us with a smile. “This is my mother, she wanted to come and meet you!”
    Mother looked at me, “W-where is she?”
   “Oh my gosh she’s right in front of us mother!” I pointed at Honeymoon. Mother’s eyes widened. “Isn’t she so pretty?” I said as Honeymoon blushed.
    “Spencer, I don’t see her.” At that point we were arguing as to if she was actually there or not.
    Mother ended up dragging me home. “This was no joke, was it?” She asked me.
   “No! I saw her, I really did!” I started to lose control and my emotions let loose. “Spencer, I have something to tell you. You have an altered reality which makes you see things that are not there. ‘Honeymoon’ is a hallucination.” 

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