The Prince | Teen Ink

The Prince

April 18, 2016
By AllyDuncan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
AllyDuncan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“But Mwommy, I wove him!!!” My three year old daughter yelled at me. “He’s mwy pwrince and I’m the pwrincess so has to come in with me!”
I sigh heavily and rub my temples. I was so done with arguing for the day I was almost tempted to actually let her take her “prince” Inside with us. Since we had been going back for about ten minutes though, I was not about to lose this fight with a three year old. I felt a rain drop and looked up to the sky.
‘Great,’ I think. ‘Now we are definitely going to have to go inside.’ I look at my daughter who had her lip puckered out in a pout, and her bright blue eyes filled with determination. If my husband wasn’t at work he would have laughed and said she gets the same look I get when I’m not budging on something. I felt as though I was wearing that look now. Then I looked over to her “prince”.
‘Ugh, I didn’t think that I’d have to have any type of boy talk with her until she was at least twelve…. Hopefully older.’ As annoyed as I was I took a deep breath and tried to reason with her again.
“Sweetie, I know you love your prince very much, but he just simply doesn’t belong inside with us, he needs to go home to his own mommy and daddy.” Then a beautiful idea popped into my head. “Besides,” I start. “if we stay out here much longer the rain is going to ruin your princess gown.”
The change was instant. Her eyes went from sparking with determination, to as wide as saucers.
‘Ah-ha! Now I got her!” I thought triumphantly. ‘She has LOVED that dress ever since I bought it for her, and the fear of ruining it might be enough to send her back inside. But…. Oh no, the look is back, and it looks even more determined than last time.’
“Mwommy,” She said. “you showeded me those moveys, and da pwrincess neva leaves her pwrince. Now me’sa and hims awre going to dance to da pwetty music.” She then starts dancing around trying to do some form of the waltz with her apparent prince.
‘Not much of a dancer is she?’ I thought to myself laughing a little as she jumped all around. Another idea popped in my mind.
“Okayyyyy,” I said. “Well if he really is your prince then you should give him a biggggg kiss. Show me he really is a prince.”
She stops mid dance.
“Ewwieeee mwommy!!!!” She yells. “Kwissing bowys is grossss!” She looks at the frog in her hands with disgust and sets him down.
‘Sowy pwrincey, but Imma not allowed to kiss bowys, mwommy says they has cooties.” She then skips back inside, probably going to look for another Disney movie.
I smile at her back and decide I am going to try to get her into action movies. I chuckle, ‘haha maybe that’ll keep her away from boys as long as possible.’ I then get up from where I was sitting and follow her back inside.

The author's comments:

This is just a cute little fluff I decided to write, I thought it was sweet

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