Finding Beauty:chapter one | Teen Ink

Finding Beauty:chapter one

April 27, 2016
By Kaylee_Long BRONZE, Coloado Springs, Colorado
Kaylee_Long BRONZE, Coloado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a bow and arrow it drags you back to shoot you really far.

Beauty is the harmony of birds chirping and wind gently, but quietly moving the branches of the oak tree out front. Beauty is waking up to the rays of the ultra violet light released from the sun shining on my face. Beauty is my Moms smile on a warm summer’s day. Beauty is the sound of bacon sizzling, hash browns popping, and French toast toasting. Beauty is the family sitting like couch potatoes watching Fuller house. Beauty is the sound of the families’ laughs harmonizing. Beauty is my head clashing with my pillow, just to begin the aroma of fun tomorrow.

And that’s where our story begins…
Mary walked down the hallway with her shoulders slumped down and her head hanging. I took a giant step back to ask her what was wrong. She replied, with “My mom is no longer clean and my dad lost his job.” I felt bad for Mary she was a great girl, but her mom was a drug and alcohol addict. Her dad was the only source of income for her family. I told her I was sorry about her situation and she just stormed off to the counselors’ office. I grabbed my books and trotted off to second period. I just wished there was a way to help Mary.

That night, I spoke to my parents about Mary’s situation. They, decided that the only way to help her was to get the police involved. I was uneasy about the idea but I jumped on board, because I knew it would help Mary. I knew Mary loved her mom even though she was far from perfect. I made the decision that I wouldn’t tell Mary what my family and I were planning. I was scared if I told her that she would flip out and blow things out of portion. That day during 7th period we learned about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. During class Mary would get angry then sad about the topic. It was hard for her to listen to stuff like that with her mom and all.

After dinner, my family and I put together an agenda. First, they would meet Mary’s mom then they would talk to Mary and ask if she would help with the process of getting her mom help. If Mary was on board we would take her to the police station with us and report what was going on. If Mary wasn’t on board we would go to the station alone and report her mom ourselves.

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