The Substitute | Teen Ink

The Substitute

May 4, 2016
By Anonymous

She couldn't remember the last time this happened to her. When she would walk into a room of people and feel like crumbling. Why had this have to happen? Why her? In the back of her mind she knew it had to be done. She slowly strutted towards the silver door knob leading into a classroom of paper airplanes and large spitballs. She got nervous and began heading for the exit, before she saw Principle reed scoring the halls for any that seemed to be lingering. She knew she had to do this, she had no choice. She slowly turned the knob and the room fell silent. The children looked up and shot a glance at their new substitute teacher. As she screeched to a halt in front of the desk to announce her name, student shot the spit cannon ball straight for her forehead. She quickly jumped avoiding it by an inch. She shakily spoke" hello... Class my name is Ms. A" the students searched her up and down and quickly got back to their previous activities. Her hands started shaking. She began to grab her notes that she made yesterday in case her nerves got the best of her! She remembered where they left off yesterday with geometry. She steadied her hand and began starting with an easy multiplication. She turned in the direction on the door and as she did she was shocked to see half the in front of her with straws full of soggy paper looking straight at her. In the blink of an eye she ran for the desk and hid away from whatever they decided to throw at her. She was scared of them. They were capable of more than she could even handle. She slowly peaked her head around to see what was going on, but all she say was wild animals on the prowl looking for their next meal. She didn't know what to do to control the wild beast! She slowly tried to sneak out of the room to run for help, but was stopped in tracks. She looked up to see a ravenous beast staring straight at her. She shot up and reached for the door she needed to get out before things got worse. They kids stayed back letting their prey have some fun before things got messy. As she neared the end of the hallway, Principle Reed rammed straight into her. She heaved and looked disoriented, trying to find the nearest exit. Principle Reed caught his breath and said " why is heaven's name are you running like a madwoman, class is in session you need to be there." Ms. A had no idea what was going but focused her attention on the door and took a chance to run. By then the class was screaming down the hall throwing whatever they could out the window. She didn't want to end like the spit balls. 

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