Sleep | Teen Ink


May 5, 2016
By rmmc99 BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
rmmc99 BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

`Her eyes were heavy and her chin slowly drifted toward her chest. The day was coming to a close and she was more than ready for it. The bags under her eyes were yet another sign of how prepared she was for the upcoming event. She sat in the vehicle for what she told her mother was “just a second.” Several minutes later, she gathered up her strength needed for rising up from the seat that was slowly losing the heat it previously held. With a slow, but steady burst of energy, she stood up. She, at what was thought to be a new record of the slowest speed ever achieved by a human, gathered her countless bags. The cold, winter air was brushed onto her neck by a slight breeze and she shivered as hundreds of tiny bumps gathered on her skin. She stumbled up the concrete stairs and managed to reach for the door, opening it carefully-- to be sure not to make too much noise as well as keep her puppy from going on his own little field trip in the dark. She stepped in the doorway and took a few more steps, leading her to meander up the stairs slowly, letting two feet share each step as she ascended. Just a few more, she told herself. She felt herself crumple and she began to crawl with minimal effort up the dirty, wooden stairs. At the top of the stairs, she put her things down on the landing and laid down. There was no greater feeling in the world. She closed her eyes and felt the surprising comfort of the wood on her cheek. Her mother, coming out of her bedroom for some unknown reason, saw her exhausted daughter laying on the landing and laughed softly to herself. The mother carefully shook the sleeping child and told her to make her way to bed. The girl simply grumbled and returned to her previous activity. Exhaustion was upon her and there was only one remedy. The mother decided to leave her there, sleeping in peace and the girl drifted into a deep and quiet sleep.

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