The Fight | Teen Ink

The Fight

May 5, 2016
By 02468 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
02468 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello  my name is Keyshia and I’m a black girl that likes rich white boys I’m also very poor from Compton California and I like remey hair that’s hair that comes in a pack that is used by people .  My friend Mariah said if I sold $200 of my food stamps she would do my hair but just because I live in Compton and  on food stamps and welfare. That don’t mean that I have kids because that’s what people think when you’re on welfare   I am not that kind .Of girl I have some class about myself.  Anyway I was going to sell some of my food stamps to get my hair done and that’s what I did .  I needed my hair done because I was tired of my weave being stiff  I don’t care what anybody thinks because I go to school all the way on another part of town and I work two jobs to take care of my mother. I think that I deserve to get my hair done so after work one day I went to the hair store and saw  my friend Cody was working that night. Now let me tell you about Cody. is a man and he is going though some things his mother just kicked him out so he lives with me for now. Then this woman that I know named chrissy. She is not the best person she does drugs and steals. She smells like a dumpster. She likes to talk about people however she looks like a man  herself just saying  so she has no right to call anybody ugly. when  she puts makeup on she looks like a clown. She walked fast because she’s too big to run she yelled “ Come outside come outside I know you’re in there” Cody and I looked at each other like “What does she wants “ and she thought it was me because she said the name Cody  so thought it was a woman  now I did not why because that’s a man’s  but I knew a girl named Timmy so I guess she would think that. Cody was about  go outside and  hit her so I moved him out the way .He might be gay but he’s still a man at the end of the day so he hits like a man just saying. I walked and  tried to talk to her  but she swung and missed and fell and I got in my car drove home. When I got home cooked something and relaxed that night and my hair was done the next day. But that’s what happened in my head what really happened was. After she tried to swing on me she missed and pulled my hair and scratched my face. After she did that I had to fight right then and there. I took my fist and hit her in the mouth and   but I stopped when her nose started to bleed. And she ran off called the cops I HATE when people do that. Hate it when people want to act tough but call the police when they get beat up. If you want to be a thug and hood then be that when you get beat up. But I still went home cooked something and relaxed and got my hair done the next day.

The author's comments:

what inspired me to write this is the stuff  i saw as a littte kid

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