A Letter of Love | Teen Ink

A Letter of Love

May 18, 2016
By kennakat123 BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
kennakat123 BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I see my grandma hunched over a box. She pulls out a dusty, old envelope, holding it up and examining it.
I step over to her. “What is that, Grandma?”
She smiles, showing genuine joy. “It’s a letter from your Papa.”
“To you?” I question naturally.
Again she smiles… that beautiful smile. “Yes.”
I pat her encouragingly on the shoulder, “Well, open it Grandma. He probably has something important to say.” I chuckle knowing how Papa, while gone, is always here to bug us… but in the best possible way.
My Dearest Carolyn,
I am sitting here, all by my lonesome, and I miss you more than the day misses the moon, and the night misses the sun. My darling, I love you more than I can express, and right now as I am sitting here alone the only thing I can think of is your beautiful face. Phoenix is entirely too lonely and how I wish you could be here, but since you cannot I decided I would write to you. Of all the things I wish to say to you, more than anything, I just want to recollect how I became so incredibly lucky to have you.
It was a Tuesday morning, the sky was as blue as a calming wave, and the birds seemed to be chirping with glee. There was an unexplainable jubilation in the air. I had recently been hired at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. While this was a joyful time in my life, having returned from being stationed in Germany, and receiving a job some only could dream to obtain, my life seemed to be missing something. I found that something on that morning, except I would not  realize it until some time later.
I had put together a contract file for Wright-Patt and on that fine Tuesday morning, I was on the mission to bring it to the same office, where you, my love, happened to work. Except on that morning it was not you I found, it was Ann. 
As I wandered up to Ann’s desk, a goofy smile spread across my face. She wore a pastel pink shift dress. A line of pearls dangled from her neck, and her light brown hair was tied up in a elegant beehive, which was constructed to perfection. There was no doubt she was beautiful.
In one hand she held a white phone, while she twirled the attached cord. In her partnering hand, she was fiercely scribbling down, what I assumed were words, but seemed like a mysterious code.
“Hello, miss?” I interrupted.
Instinctively, she put up her index finger, and indicated me to wait a minute, or in reality, about ten.
Once she finished her mad session of scribbling, she gestured me over and I told her of my appointment, amongst other things. The conversation we shared before my meeting was absolutely delightful, and there seemed to be an undeniable attraction betwixt the two of us. Could she have been what my life was missing?
By the time I left we had formed plans to go on a date. Which turned out to be lovely, as were the others that followed, but there was one in particular that captured my attention.
I’m sure you remember it well. Ann and myself had the stellar idea to set our two good friends up. My best friend, who was admittedly like a brother to me, Ike, and yourself. Ann, for you, was the sister you never had.
Ike and myself, being roommates, naturally arrived to the bowling alley at the same time. The floors were a classic black and white checkered tile, all the way up to the wooden brown of the actual alley. In the corner pressed up against the baby blue wall was a jukebox playing, “I Saw Her Standing There,” by the new hip band, The Beatles. Ike and myself sauntered up to the red counter in order to exchange our loafers for the bowling shoes provided by the alley, and that’s when you and Ann ambled in.
Ann had told me that you were as pretty as a nickel, numerous times, but no matter how many times she told me of your beauty and how much Ike would just adore you, I was still caught off guard when you walked over to us.
I was on one knee lacing my shoe, and when I glanced up, I was stunned. Ike was equally just as stunned,if not more. It was clearly visible by the awestruck expression written all over his face.
I can still clearly picture your exact attire that day. You wore a long white skirt, and a pink button up sweater.  Your dark brunette hair was cut low, hovering above your shoulders, and well you were just… just absolutely gorgeous.
Before I could even get a word out, Ike had gone over to you. “Hello ma’am. I’m Ike, and may I just say it is a pleasure to meet you.”
As he held his hand out to you, gesturing for you to return the handshake, you stole a sideways glance of me, then returned to him meeting his hand with yours, “Hello Ike, I am Carolyn, and the pleasure is mine.” A gorgeous smile flashed across your flawless face.
The rest of the night was one of heavenly delight. The four of us were a perfect fit. Never a dull moment, and never a doubt that the four of us were meant to find each other.
Ike strongly agreed with me, and it seemed that in those days there was nothing, except the two of you girls, that was the topic of our conversations. We were captivated, in utter and complete love. The only problem being, the both of us were in love with the wrong girl.
Ike adored Ann, just as I adored you.
You see this was a bit of a problem. Ike and I, being like brothers, had a sworn pact that we would never date the other’s previous girlfriend. Also we had to consider the feeling of the two of you. What if both of you had interest only in the boy you already were dating?
I was at a complete loss. Every day my feelings for Ann were fading, as my feelings for you were only growing stronger. My thoughts were occupied solely by your beautiful smile. That smile that lit up my entire world, and made life worth living. That smile was what I was searching for on that Tuesday morning. But whatever could I do? It was not fair, to Ike, Ann, you, or myself to have this hopeless affection for you. So everyday I had to muster up the strength to swallow my feelings for you and pretend like nothing was awry.
The leaves were changing colors, and the nights were growing shorter and cooler. That fall  of 1964, with every leaf that fell, my love grew deeper and deeper until all of my leaves had fallen and I was an empty hollow tree, waiting for distant summer to come and bring back my leaves.
Just as I was shriveling up into broken pieces of bark, into nothingness, I found my leaves after another night of bowling with Ann, Ike, and you. The four of us had decided to go to eat, as all of our appetites were peaked after a long night of bowling. Upon arriving at the diner, the four of us plopped down in a red leather booth, but surprisingly, you chose to sit next to me, just as Ann chose to sit next to Ike. There was a mischievous twinkle in both of your eyes. The two of you were obviously up to something.
My stomach churned in excitement and fear, wondering what could possibly have been coursing through the both of your minds.
It was Ann who spoke first. “So Carolyn and I have been talking...” she looked over at you and you just smiled. Oh, that beautiful smile.
“We think that maybe we should switch,” you said, continuing Ann’s statement.
“What do you mean, switch?” questioned Ike.
My heart was beating like a drum, could you possibly mean, no you could not, could you?
“Carolyn and I have, well,” Ann paused, clearly trying to form the correct words, “we have obviously developed feelings for each of you, but.” She stopped unsure of where to go from there.
Just as she faltered with uncertainty, you continued with with the utmost assurance, “But we have developed feelings for the wrong person.” You looked at me and your eyes sparkled, “I fancy you, Gene.” You smiled, that beautiful smile, and looked down nervously.
The drum beat of my heart was now a vigorous pounding. By some miracle, my prayers had been answered. Carolyn Hess felt for me the love I felt for her.
I glanced over at Ike, and his eyes were already fixed on me. They seemed to speak of his approval, despite the pact we had formed.
I looked at you, and then at Ike, and then back at you.My fingers were tremebling and my nerves were racing. I took your frail hands into mine and gazed into your eyes.  “Carolyn Hess, I would be honored to have the opportunity to be with you.”
That night was just the beginning of the rest of my life with my one true love. Ours was a whirl-wind romance, abundant in euphoria and intimacy. In the summer of 1965, we devoted ourselves to each other in marriage. Proceeding our marriage, we bore two children. Our daughter, Denise, was followed by our son, Eugene. Both every bit as wonderful as yourself.
Throught out of all our adventures, my love for you has never once waned or altered, and my darling, it never will.
Carolyn, thank you for putting up with me and for loving me with the same intensity of love I have felt and I will continue to feel for you, no matter what happens.
I will be home soon enough my love. I miss you dearly, and cannot wait to see your beautiful smile.
Sincerely, Your Husband,

Concern spreads across my face, “Are you okay Grandma?”
She smiles, that beautiful smile, as a single tear slides down her cheek. “I’m fine…” She pauses showing a clear deal of pain. “I just miss him.”
I plop down next to her and wipe away her tears, then wrap my arms around her waist forming a hug, “I know you do, but he is always here.” I laugh, a faint and muddled laugh of joy and sorrow as I reminisce the image of my Papa. 
“I wish I could tell him how much I love him. Just once more.”
I squeeze her tighter, comforting her. “Trust me Grandma, he knows. He knows.”

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