The stolen pearl | Teen Ink

The stolen pearl

May 12, 2016
By Anonymous

  His smile cradled the waves as his eyes held the sunset. My eyes followed each flow as if I was surfing his waves. But because I was behind him, he would never know the damage his tide rolled me into. The everlasting scent of him wondered back into my mind to remind me of my first glance. My thought bubbles kept rising, but as soon as they got too high, the ring of my cell phone interrupted me. I hurried up, gathered my things, and rushed into the hallway to answer my call.
“Hello” I answered with a puzzled tone. Usually my mom never calls this early in the morning.
She says, “Hi  baby, I just wanted to let you know that you forgot your lunch and that I
will be bringing it around 11:30”
“ Oh! Yes, Thank you! I totally forgot to take it this morning!” I responded and she hung up.The hallway walls were a plain cream that reflected my mood. I could stare right through them and they would feel no remorse. This place was hell, but the only thing that makes its better is him.
By 11:15, I was starving and entirely anxious to hear my name get called down over the intercom. I couldnt ignore the stabbing pains and empty waste my stomach felt. I needed to eat something before I fainted. Those last 15 minutes finally passed but they felt like hours and my name was finally called down. So I raced to the office and as soon as I walked in the door, I could smell his scent running off on my soul. He made time come to a halt when he called out my name.
“Rose, I have your lunch! Your mom dropped it off and I told her I would take it to you. I explained to her how I was going to ask you to sit with me today” His face got bright red. Could this really be happening right now?!

I replied, ”Sure! I would love to!”
“Great! I’ll make sure to save you a seat! Can’t wait to properly meet you, Miss Rose!” He had a special charm to his voice.
    The way he says my name makes me want to drown in his arms. The kind that makes you feel like you're floating on air. When I got to lunch he called my name out.
“Rose, over here” he yelled.
With rose blushed cheeks, I smiled and said, “Hey!” The lunch room was so big and bright like something you see out of a movie. They had tables placed in a circle so everyone could circle around and tables outside places by the roses out horticulture class planted. It felt surreal and I loved every moment of it.
“Thanks again for saving me a seat”. I said nervously
“ Oh it was no struggle! We can do this again sometime if you would like?” His voice dropped into a nervous tone. Unfamiliar faces surrounded me with unliking expressions.
I was the new girl that everyone hates. Isn't it always that way, that no one tries to make the effort to get to know you. But he, he did.
I felt uncomfortable because Max was the only one talking to me.
But I replied with a huge smile cradling my face. I was so anxious that the only thing i could think about was his beautiful face. “Sure thing!”  As the bell ring I was relieved it was over because it felt like the longest 40 minutes of my life. Sweaty palms and a shake in my voice didn’t really help the confidence levels. But I managed.
      As I headed to my locker , Max was already there. He walked me to my last class and I knew it would be better than the last. And because it was theatre. As I walked in, I started to vocalize and in that moment, I felt free of all stress. I look around to see if I knew someone who looked familiar in my other classes, and yet again: Vacant.
I sit next to this one girl who has a ton of makeup pounded on her face like frosting on a cake.
She turned to me and said,“ Hi, I'm Jessie” with a southern accent.
“Hi, my name is Rose and’ I’m new here” I tell her.
“Oh really, welli will introduce you to a few of our fellow classmates.” She implied.
“Ok thanks” I was curious to see where this was going.
“So,do you like anyone” she asks.
Who would ask that kind of question to someone they just met? How should I know to trust her? But I went on anyways because I kiss and tell.
“Kinda, there is this one guy I met and he has the ability to make time stop” I said.
“What's his name maybe I know him” she really wants to know.
“Max Tyson” I say very softly. Her face turned a pale color as if she just saw me die in her arms.
“You can't like him” she said.
“Why not? What’s wrong with him” I inferred
“Because he’s my boyfriend, stupid” she copped an attitude. Nothing but silence from that moment on.
I was shocked and a little disappointed that he had a girl. He acted like he was a free man. The way he looked at me with those gorgeous eyes and the way he blushed when he ask to have lunch with me. Maybe all the signs were wrong. I felt like a bee who flew into the wrong hive, but I'm glad it never went further. Or did it?

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