The Final Road Trip | Teen Ink

The Final Road Trip

May 19, 2016
By MarianaC BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
MarianaC BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I can remember when we all used to get together each weekend and go on road trips,” my grandpa said as he rambled about the days of his youth.
      “Which one was your favorite one, Grandpa?”, I asked in order to continue the conversation even though I had heard the story a thousand times. My grandpa always got a sparkle in his eyes when he talked about this particular story though, and it made him seem more alive.
      “It was back in 1948 when we went on my favorite road trip to Arizona. We decided to go stargazing there since we had heard many stories on how beautiful they were there”, he talked on in a trance, as if he was trying to live through it again. This wasn't surprising though considering where he was currently.
      “Who did you go with this time Grandpa?”, I asked, staring at all the mysterious machinery surrounding the room.
      “That time there wasn't many of us that went, just your beautiful grandmother, my brother, and our friend Henry. I went too of course since I was the one driving my truck there. Oh, and Susan, Henry’s sister, went too but I didn't like her”, he said, the last part in distaste just by remembering Susan.
      “Why was it your favorite road trip if not everyone went, Grandpa?”, I asked, staring at the window into a clouding sky.
      “Well that time, when we were in the middle of the desert, my truck decided to break down. Just imagine being stuck in the middle of nowhere without any way to call for help”, he continued to speak while glaring at my cellphone in my lap.
      “So what did you do grandpa?”, I asked while walking towards the window that was now flashing with the the lightning created by the thunderstorm outside.
      “I tried to fix the truck then, but I was a businessman, not a mechanic, so I gave up just seeing the steaming motor. The others weren't any better either, so we decided to walk the way we came from”, he said while his voice gradually weakened with each word that came out from his mouth.
      “Why didn't you just wait for help, Grandpa?”, I asked returning to my my previous spot by his bed.
      “Well it was so very hot out in the desert but being inside the ruck made us feel like we were roasting. We didn't have to walk far though since we clashed ways with another truck”, he continued while the machinery started to beep desperately, begging for attention.
      “Did they help you grandpa?”, I asked while a woman and man in white entered the room, heading to the beeping machine.
      “They agreed to take us to the town they had just passed. It wasn't too far back; about 25 miles which would have taken us all night and day to reach on foot”, he said as the white clothed people exited the room.
      “Why was it your favorite, road trip if all those things happened grandpa?”, I asked as the room darkened with the clouds, pregnant with rain, finally engulfed everything.
      “That road trip was my favorite, because I finally got the courage to propose to your grandmother. I planned to do it under the majestic stars of the desert, but a mechanic shop worked just fine”, he said with a smile while his last bits of strength left him.
     “Goodbye, Grandpa.”, I whispered as my eyes matched the sky outside.

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