The Plan B Concert | Teen Ink

The Plan B Concert

May 19, 2016
By dianamartinez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
dianamartinez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was going to see Plan B, my favorite music group, with my best friend Brittany.
My mom surprised me for my birthday with two concert tickets - one for me and one for my best friend. She also gave me extra spending money, because we want to buy some drinks and chips while we’re there.
The next day was Saturday, the day of the concert. We were getting ready at the mall, looking for clothes and some fresh outfits. We were so excited that we tried to rush home and ran into each other. We bumped heads!
Time passed and we were still getting ready. We did our hairdos, our makeup, and we were still looking for something to wear. It was already time to go see the Plan B concert. It was already starting!
We were already in the car. My mom was driving us there when I saw many people. It was all full. Me and my best friend tried to run there but we couldn’t because we were on heels and we thought that we might fall, but finally we got there.
He was already singing and we barely see him  and almost missed him.My friend and I went all the way in front to see him better .We went crazy when he said that 10 ladies c get up there with him but the two first ladies who gets there would.He was going to sing us a song Everyone started getting up there with him on the stage and my best friend Brittany got there really fast so I saw her I really tried to get up there but I was scared to fall and slip the guy who saw me,  I wanted to be up there with him too.He helped me not to fall down and I felt bad of him because I accidentally hit him with the heel of my shoe. I didn’t say “thank you” to him because another girl was already getting up there with him! I was really happy to get up on stage finally. I wanted to cry; it was me and my best friend who won the contest. He was going to sing us both a song to each other!
Plan B started singing to my friend and than to me it was really funny when he was singing to her because she started crying and she got up the sit to hug him but the funny part is that there was some soda on the flour and when she stand up she slip over and grab plan b to hold on him but they  both fall and everyone thought it was kinda like show or something , Brittany was really embarrassing with him and with everybody else but Plan b just told her that everything was alright to not worried about it.
It was already my turn for him to sing me a song so he gave me a hug first and step on the same place were my best friend step on and than fell on me and quickly get up with soda all over on his cloths and set down thinking there was something there and fall again with a bag of chips and fall on top of all the people ,the people think that the concert was all cool and different from the others that he had I feel bad because he couldn’t sing me a song to me but at the same time I was happy and enjoying the party .When Plan B was going back to the stage something turn off the speakers and all the lights he was about to sing again nobody knew what happen.
Many people went crazy when the lights off but it was Brittany my best friend who turned off the lights with her hair when she was back there dancing and she feld when she turned off so she turned back on while Plan B tried to fixed his speakers. Plan B didn’t know what went wrong with his speakers so he had to connect his phone to and plan his music in there. It was funny because he tried to act like he was singing.
I could tell he was acting that he was singing, so my bestie and I went to buy some drinks and chips; we were already hungry and it was barely 10:50 P.M, about to be 11.
I thought everything was going to be different than the way it was right now .Anyways, me and my friend brittany went to go buy something to eat and when I turned around, I saw the guy who helped me get up there with Plan B and I got really nervous when I saw him but he said “hey” like nothing happened and started staring at me. I said “hi, thanks for helping out and sorry that I hit you with my shoe and didn’t even said sorry to you...but it was because I was so happy!“ He said not to worry about it, that everything was okay.
When I turned the other way to get my food, I slipped on something and  dropped all my food! It got all over him, but didn’t mean to do it.I got him really dirty! That was the funniest night I had, after a while I said sorry about that he said it was fine. I said that day that I’ll always  remember that day I have so much fun.

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