Marie's Summer Plans | Teen Ink

Marie's Summer Plans

May 19, 2016
By mariahramos BRONZE, Austin, Texas
mariahramos BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s May 29, 2015, and my name is Marie. I’m 14 years old but I’m about to be 15 on June 8, 2015. We are about to have summer vacations In june 4, 2015 we get out of school. In the summer time I would go to mexico to play two of my favorite sports and It’s soccer and baseball. I have a lot of plans for this summer, because I’m having my 15th birthday party and I’m going to mexico to see my dad’s family since he can’t go to Mexico.

I’ve been so tired because I’m doing my practice for my 15th birthday party surprise for the people I invited. I want my 15th birthday dance to look good because I want people to like it. Two days past and It’s may 31, 2015 ,my mom was getting everything ready for my 15th birthday party I was so happy i was waiting for that day to come already. I’ve been doing a lot of practice with all my Chambelanes but they are happy about it.
My dad’s mom, sisters, and brothers are coming for my 15th birthday party, my mom said that when my dad’s family went back to mexico that I was going to go with them. June 8, 2015 came, and my parents, and sisters woke me up and told me happy birthday. I was so happy about this day, I was getting ready, and my aunt was doing my makeup. All my chambelanes were waiting for me to get ready so we could live. We left it was me, and the chambelanes, we went to go eat at panda express, and from there we went to the capital to take pictures.
We left the capital, and went to the salon “La casa bella”, I saw friends and family but it was a lot of people that were there in my party. I went to each table to say “thank you for coming to my 15th birthday party”. A lot of people came to take pictures with me even my eyes were hurting because of the flash from the camera. I started getting shy because at 7pm i was going to do a slow dance with my chambelanes, and mom and dad, at 8pm I was going to dance a mix dance with my dad. There was a lot more people coming to my 15th birthday party, and I was by my table because people were taking pictures of me. It was 7pm, and i was getting ready to do the slow dance with the chambelanes. The song i was going to dance it’s a thousand years, I started with small steps. I did a short dance with each of my chambelanes, I had 7 chambelanes. We finish the dance, and we went to our table because me and the chambelanes were hungry. We were chilling in the table because I was waiting to be 8pm already because I was going to dance with my mom and dad. It was 8pm but my mom and dad picked 1 song to dance it with me, I started dancing with my dad and I started crying because it was sad and with my mom to. When I got done with them my grandma gave me something to clean my face because my makeup was going to get ugly. People started leaving like at 1am and 2pm because it was late but I change because my dress was heavy and i was tired, I had family staying at my house because they came from dallas, san antonio or mexico.
The next day my other family came to eat again because there was a lot of food left from last night. I told my cousins that came is they wanted to play soccer with me outside because is my favorite thing to do when I have nothing to do. On june 10, 2015 it was a monday my dad’s family were getting ready because they were living back to mexico. I was going with them to and it was 4 hours from austin to mexico, my uncle was driving 2 hrs and we stop at a store. The other two hours past already is when we got there. When we got to my grandma’s house i went to sleep because I was so tired, the next day my uncle and cousin had a baseball game but first we went to my uncles and it was lit a lot of people were there. In my cousins baseball game there were even more people even kids of my same age, he did like two home run. We went back to my grandma’s house and my aunts did a party for them because they won the game, they had the music loud. We went to the river to go swim and it was big and a lot of people, and we brought a soccer ball and we were playing my days were so fun and i was so happy. I went back to austin and I told everything to my mom and dad.

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