Lesson Learned | Teen Ink

Lesson Learned

May 17, 2016
By Tripe BRONZE, Erie, Colorado
Tripe BRONZE, Erie, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was this one kid names Travis he was a baseball player, he has played this sport ever since he was a little kid. He played for this really good travel team called the Colorado Outlaws. So he is really good. His best friend played on the same team as him and it was so much fun for both of them. His name was Chris.

The Outlaws had a tournament down in Arizona they were playing in the fall nationals tournament down there. So Travis, His best friend Chris both all are packing the night before to get on a plane. And being the forgetful one he is Travis leaves his glove that e uses for games at home. Travis doesn’t realise it until they get to the hotel in Arizona.

So Chris on the other hand only has one glove he uses. So he couldn't give one to Travis to borrow for the tournament. So Travis goes and asks his teammate Anthony because everyone knows that he has two gloves with him at all times. So Travis goes and asks him and Anthony says he doesn’t have it (even tho Anthony has it) so it looks like Travis can't play in the game today and so they go onto the field and play the game without Travis. Travis is so pissed because he finds that extra glove in his bag.

So after that game Travis goes up to Anthony and blames that loss on him because he didn’t have a glove to play with and they really needed travis in that game. Travis could have made a play in that game to change the whole outcome of the game. But Anthony wouldn’t share his glove and he will learn from that mistake.

So Travis, Chris, And Anthony move on to the next tournament. But this time Anthony forgets both of his gloves at home. But Travis went and bought a extra glove just incase someone would need one. And so Anthony goes up to Travis and asks him is he has an extra glove he can borrow and of course Travis says yes. Anthony was so thankful for that he started sharing all of his stuff more often.That's a lesson learned for sure.

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