A Build To A Start | Teen Ink

A Build To A Start

May 20, 2016
By jasongacria BRONZE, Austin, Texas
jasongacria BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can live fat

Once upon a time not long ago, there was a kid with a dream to build something flabbergast, creative, and motivational. This kid’s name was Jack and his dream was to build a gaming computer. The only problem was that Jack wanted to build a $1,200 computer with a water cooling in the system. Jack parents didn’t have this kind of money, but there was one solution: Jack’s father offered to work with him. The only problem was it wasn’t easy work to do, it was harsh labor, and Jack would only earn $50 a day.
But it was summer and if Jack worked for only two months, Jack would earn about $1,200 which was going to be a challenge for Jack. So he started working but, Jack’s dad showed him how it’s done or how it works. Later on, Jack got the hang of it, he struggled a few times, but he successfully learned how to work right.
Two months past, and Jack got a brown tan from working those two months which he forgot to put sunscreen everyday he worked, Jack was proud about himself for working hard, and putting effort, and accomplish his $1,200! But Jack was wondering if he needs a debit card to save that money in a debit card, so he can shop online, and buy the computer parts. So Jack asked his parent’s to take him a near by debit card store, which they choosed Chase, Jack was only 15 and he couldn’t get the adult plan. So the salesman recommended to Jack to get the teen plan which wasn’t bad, so Jack got the teen plan. Jack gave the salesman all his information and the savings he had, so that the salesman could transfer the saving to the debit card. Now, Jack was ready to go shopping!
Jack reseach for cheap computer parts on Amazon, Newegg, and even Craigslist, but Jack had to think very careful to buy computer parts in Craigslist, because if he shops there some items are used which is risky to do. Jack had to think very careful for the prices with tax, so he could not pass a amount of $1,200.
The first part that Jack needs to buy is a case for his computer, but Jack didn’t want a case over a $100, So Jack order a case that has a clear panel to show off the computer parts, and with cable management that has garments to feed the extra cable, and that supports water cooling.
The second part Jack needs to buy a power supply to of course to power the whole computer components, but Jack needs a power supply that powers all those components, So Jack is going to order a 850w power supply that is fully modular that will cost about $130.
The third part Jack needs to order is a gaming motherboard that is compatible DDR4 RAM, and that allows you to overclock your cpu, or your graphics card that cost about $300 which isn’t a bad price for a gaming motherboard.
The fourth part that Jack will order is the brain of the computer is a CPU(central processing unit) that is quad core, and that is 4.0GHZ that is overclockable but will cost Jack around $300.
The fifth part Jack will need is water cooling that supports his CPU sockets and has  240mm radiator for better heat dissipation, and that supports dual fans which cost about $100 which is great deal for a water cooling your cpu to overclock his CPU.
Now the last part he needs to order is the component that inputs the video which is a graphics card that has 4GBS of VRAM and has decent cooling, and that is not noisy, So Jack found one on craigslist for $100 that was very great price! Now Jack added all the prices and was about $1030, So Jack had $170 to spend on Hard Drive, Solid State Drives, RGB L.E.D strips, and a optical drive, and other miscellaneous parts. Jack ordered all the parts, and all the parts came less than a month. Jack started to build the gaming pc which very difficult,but he read the manual of the parts, and added part by part until he finished. Jack was very proud about himself of building this gaming computer which took him about 2 hours to build, and Jack went to get his gaming monitor, and grabbed his USB that had Windows installer that he got for a present a long time ago. And setup the operating system which installed about 1 hour.
Jack was finished with everything and now is time for gaming, and have fun with his badass gaming computer!

The author's comments:

A boy named Jack that wants a build a gaming computer!

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