Johns Story | Teen Ink

Johns Story

May 20, 2016
By FernandoAmador BRONZE, Austin, Texas
FernandoAmador BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a young boy and his friend they were the only ones who survived the plane crash. Their names were john and Erik and they had been in that island for almost a month. One day john saw that there was smoke at the other side of the island so he told erik and they went to see where the smoke was coming from. When they arrived they saw that there was a fire but it wasn’t a forest fire, it was a house that was burning down. John and erik ran there and there was a guy trying to turn off the fire. They quickly helped him and the fire finally died.
The guys name was Adam and he had survived the plane crash as well. He had built a house and had gone to the other side of the island because he didn’t know that others had survived and he wanted to be near the river which was by his house. They became friends and since he didn’t have a house john and erik told him he could stay at their place. They decided to all help each other so they split responsibilities. Adam would go get wood every day, john would find food for everyone, and erik would cook it and clean the house since he was the youngest.
They did this for a long time and everything seemed to go well until one day erik went missing. John was desperate to find him fast because he was the youngest and there were many dangers out in the island. John and adam decided to look one on each side of the island. They searched for him until the sun went down and they couldn’t see no more. At that point they went home to meet up and see if the other had found him but neither of them did. They both felt bad cause they felt like it was their fault for not paying attention to him. They couldn’t sleep much because they kept wondering where he could be and if he was cold or hungry.
As soon as the sun started to show they went to look for him together. They didn’t find him and were very tired so they stopped to eat and rest. John went to get some wood and when he came back adam started the fire and they heated up the food they had brought with them. While they were eating john told erik that he had seen a cave covered by large rocks and that they should check it out. They finished eating and they went into the cave hoping to find erik or anything they were desperate.
Even tho they could barely see they went into the depths of the cave. They walked and walked until they came across what seemed like a division. They sat down and thought of which way they should go but couldn’t decide. They even thought of just going back until they saw what looked like an arrow made with rock signaling to the left. They were confused as to who would’ve put it there. They hoped for the best and went that way but it seemed to take them nowhere since they had been walking for what seemed an eternity. They were about to give up but they saw a yellowish light farther down the cave. They ran there and found a “secret room” you could say where erik was sitting. They ran at him and hugged him then told him how long they had been looking for him and how scared they were not to find him. Erik told them he had found some sort of map and he had followed it there alone because they were out gathering supplies and he didn’t have anything to do. He had then found that room and behind a door there was a lot of food and clothes. They took everything and went back to their house. There  they promised to always protect each other.

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