The Audition | Teen Ink

The Audition

May 24, 2016
By bb_dance12 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
bb_dance12 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am flying across the stage, spotlights beaming down on me, and my green hat pinned tightly to my head.  I am singing my heart out, pouring emotion into every note.  My feet hit the ground, and my smile reaches from ear to ear.  The audience goes wild, and I know they are applauding for me.
I have dreamed of this moment since I was a little girl, and now I might finally have the chance to make it come true.  If I do well in this audition, then I might finally get a chance to play Peter Pan on broadway.
My hands are sweating and I have butterflies in my stomach, I’ve never been this nervous for an audition before.  Then I remember how proud I was to fly across that stage, knowing that I have worked for ten years for this moment.  That was my favorite part of the dream, showing everyone who doubted me that I could do it.  Suddenly I’m not so nervous anymore.  I have been preparing for two weeks and I know my monologue inside and out.
The door opens, and the auditioner steps out.  From the look on her face I can tell that it didn’t go well.  I can hear the whispers from the directors in the room, judging her every move.
“212” called the directors.  I look down at my number and I know it’s my turn.  I slowly stand up, the sound of my heartbeat growing louder with every step.
This is my time to shine.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece to show the difficulties and the worries that a theater person has to go through before an audition.

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