Summer Day | Teen Ink

Summer Day

May 30, 2016
By audreyhug BRONZE, Ney, Ohio
audreyhug BRONZE, Ney, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Why am I laying in the sun again? Oh yeah that's right, I like turning my pearly white skin into a lobster. "You better put some sunscreen on Alice!" said Alice's mother, Julia."Oh mom I'm fine!" shouted Alice back. She definitely wasn't going to move, with the most perfect breeze she's felt in hours. It blowing through Alice's hair making her feel very elegant almost like the daisy she was drawing. Or at least trying to draw. It was hard for to concentrate with Bean nudging his nose between her arm and stomach. "Go on Bean, go find mama to play fetch with you." His ears instantly perking up by the mention of his name. Finally trudging off, he went to the smell of burgers that Alice's dad was probably burning. The smell wafting through the yard making Alice's stomach growl. "Mom can I have a popcycle to cool me off?" Alice pleaded. "Only if you put some sunscreen on, you look like a stop sign." Alice just shrugged and finally opened the sunblock.

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