Death or not | Teen Ink

Death or not

June 3, 2016
By aford BRONZE, Mt Kisco, New York
aford BRONZE, Mt Kisco, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The boat stopped moving, we were just drifting in the waves. Everyone got scared because this was unexpected, but I was all like,” SICKKKKK NO MORE SCHOOL, JUST GONNA FISH ALLLLLLLLL DAY EVERY DAY”. But then, Ms. Lepage said,” ALAN DON’T FISH, SHARKS WILL COME AND EAT US!!” That was when Ms. Lepage locked me in the boiler room of the ship with Freddy Kruger. I became scared but then Freddy said to me,” She locked me down here years ago, I won’t kill you, you can help me escape and frighten Ms. Lepage in her dreams.” This was when I heard the big bang, no not the actual big bang, the bang from our ship hitting the island. I heard all of the students depart from the ship but then Freddy turned the engines back on right as Ms. Lepage was about to depart from the ship, so she stayed stuck on the ship, and all the students minus me were stranded on the island. With all of my will, I pushed the door open as the boat drifted away from the island in the distance, ran up to the bridge and saw that Ms. Lepage was hanging out reading To Kill A Mockingbird. I then asked her,” Where is everybody? Did they get left on the island?” And Ms. Lepage responded,” Yes, the engines must have started working again.” And I said,” Why don’t we go back and save everybody?” And Ms. Lepage responded,” I just want to go home.” That was when we had a read off and I won so we went to the island and saved everyone.

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