Executions | Teen Ink


June 3, 2016
By Anonymous

The lady waited for the phone call.  She had wanted to watch one ever since she had heard of the many people who were able to go and witness them up close.  As this thought went through her head “executions?”, the call came.  An automatic voice erupted into the quiet room  “ The day of this event will take place on August 5th, please show up accordingly at 3pm”... the room growing quiet as the call ends. 

The day of the execution had arrived, upon getting to the correctional facility she was searched by guards upon entering and told to hand over her possessions.  Soon after she was taken to the room where she was to watch, there was the man sitting quietly in the chair.  He did not move, and as he looked into the one way glass it appeared as though he was staring right at her.  After twenty long still minutes two guards walked in to prepare this man for his death.  Ella became fascinated by how he was to die, heard the man’s voice echoed out “ I’ll see you soon”.  This was the last thing she heard after nearly running out of the room.

The author's comments:

This piece is a short journal entry I wrote about death, it shows some of my opinions on this subject.

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