sad story | Teen Ink

sad story

June 7, 2016
By Anonymous

My brother Tanner and I were staying at my dad's house for Christmas break.  We were all sitting on the couch, watching the television while we digested our delicious dinner that we had just consumed. We were all having a splendid time, joking around, laughing, enjoying each other's company. Then the phone rang. Little did I know that my entire perspective on life was about to change. Tanner saw that it was my mom and answered it. Tanner’s face went immediately pale. Tears began to stream down his face as he hung up the phone. Tanner’s lips trembled “Ashlee is dead.”

   At first I didn't believe him, I couldn't believe him. I didn't want to think, not even for a second that Ashlee was gone. The sadness consumed me. I couldn’t move, or speak or even breathe. It was like all the good in the world had disappeared. Nothing made sense to me. All I knew was that I would never see her again. I would never get to hear her contagious laugh, to feel the warmth from her hugs, or even see her smile. How was a seven year old girl supposed to deal with that? How is anyone supposed to deal with that? When I finally came to, I called my mom back. She answered the phone, sobbing.   She explained to me that Ashlee had made some bad decisions in her life recently and some terrible people wanted revenge, so they killed her.  I couldn’t understand how someone could just take away a life. A living, breathing person, just gone from the world; especially the day after Christmas.

    Ashlee was like my older sister. She was my sister’s best friend. She was my best friend’s sister. She was a wonderful mom and a loving wife. She had just got mixed up with the wrong crowd. She was the sweetest soul. She didn’t deserve what she got. Ashlee will be always be remembered for her charisma, her outstanding and strong willed personality. She will be thought of as an angel, always. 

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