Pink Sand Beach | Teen Ink

Pink Sand Beach

June 7, 2016
By Lauren_Roberts02 BRONZE, Lawton, Michigan
Lauren_Roberts02 BRONZE, Lawton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pink Sand Beach

  I laid on the rose pink sand, on the beach of a Bahama island. soaking up the warmth of the beaming sun.  Listening to the waves crash onto the shore, I went to my happy place.  I’m finally visiting one of the things on my bucket list, I thought to myself.  Adjusting my aviator sunglasses on my sun kissed face, I got up and joined my friends, Ella and Emma, under our rainbow striped umbrella for lunch.
I unwrapped my ham sandwich, grabbed a bag of chips, and took a drink of my ice cold water.  I took a seat in my beach chair and dove into my sandwich, starving from not eating breakfast.
“It’s so nice not to have to worry about homework and school work,” Ella stated.
“Yeah,” Emma and I answered in unison.
“Hey smile,” I said “I’m posting this.”
Posing like the weirdos we are, I snapped the picture and examined it to make sure it was instagram worthy.  Our bronze, beautiful and tanned, skin popped with our matching coral swimsuits. I put a filter on it and posted it thinking that it would have more likes than any of my other pictures.
Suddenly shrieks of fear filled my ears, looking up I saw a wave raging like a bull in the distance.  I gathered my phone, my car keys and my vera bradley purse, and darted closer inland.  Not to ahead of me, Emma sprinted for her life, as a thought popped into my brain.  Where’s Ella, I thought.  Peering behind me I couldn’t see her anywhere.  Fear entered my mind sending various scenarios through my train of thought.  What if she drowns in the tsunami?  What if she gets lost and I never see her again?  What if…  stop I said to myself, pushing the negativity out of my mind.
“Hey, have you seen Ella?” I asked Emma, scared for a reply.
“No!” she yelled back with fear in her voice.
“Just keep running, I’m sure we’ll find her soon,” I replied assuringly.
Focusing on running, I collected myself and darted forward gaining distance from the wave.  I darted through the beach goers with two goals in mind: make it to safety and find Ella.  Glancing at everyone I saw, I spotted a girl that looked like Ella.  She was short, brown haired, with brown eyes but as I peered closer and stopped imagining I figured out that it wasn’t her.
Finally after what seemed like forever, I spotted our hotel, Pink Sands.  Our hotel, a luxurious resort, stood in the distance, just a couple hundred feet away.  Legs trembling, feet shaking, I finally reached my destination.  Climbing the steps two at a time I finally reached my room.  I unlocked the door with my jagged key and turned the knob opening into our beautiful room.  As I walked in I heard a faint cry, peering at the nicely made bed I saw Ella sitting there sobbing her heart out.
“Ella what’s the matter? I’ve been looking for you for ages,” I said exhausted.
“I was afraid that I’d never see you and Emma again,” Ella snuffled.
“Emma should be coming soon she wasn’t to far behind me,” I responded. 
Just then Emma barged through the door.  Breathing heavily, she plopped on the bed. We sat in silence, wondering what we’re suppose to do.  I grabbed my phone and checked the news.  It read “Trending: A cloud lingering over the ocean near Pink Sand Beach has been mistaken as a tsunami. Breathing a heavy sigh, I showed the others.
Posting my tiring story, I added a picture of myself to really capture the moment.  My disheveled hair and tanned skin clashed in an unforeseen way, making me look like a model combined with a hobo. Deciding that I shouldn't post it, I looked out the window.  Watching the waves crash onto the shore, I went to my happy place.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this peice because I wanted to include my two best friends in it and I have always dreamed of going to Pink Sand Beach.

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