The Adoption | Teen Ink

The Adoption

June 8, 2016
By LovelySimone BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
LovelySimone BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just keep swimming"

Jason is a 17 year old young man in the 11th grade trying to say focused and not get caught up in all of the drama that’s going on at Billford High School.  Billford High is one of the finest and richest High school in upper state New York. Jason is friends with everybody and isn’t just mixed into one group because he just a cool guy that is super genuine to any and everybody he comes across. Billford High Is offering a summer travel trip to Rome for students with good behavior is that is passing all of their classes and Jason is a straight A student. As soon as the principle announced it he immediately screamed to his friends “Who’s up for a trip to Rome baby?!” Jason is so eager to get home and asks his parents if he can go. So Jason walks in the door singing and dancing all crazy and his mother (Sky) walks into the sunporch to give him a hug and says “Whoa, slow down and tell me why you are so hype?” So Jason says “Mom you would never guess what happened today at school, I’m going to Rome! The only thing you’ll have to pay for is a passport for me and I’ll need spending money.” Is Billford High paying for the rest?” Asks Sky. “Yes mom, well you’ll also need to put up 4,000 I think for traveling reason but that’s all.” Says Jason. Jason’s father walks in and says” Of course you can go, I was listening the whole time.” Jason goes in his room and calls his best friend Sarah to tell her the great news and she screams “I’m going to! I just need my parents to get my passport.” Jason says “Oh yeah , how do you get that, we should be old enough to get it ourselves I mean we are almost 18.” “Well I think the number one thing we need is our birth certificate, I just found mines now go find yours.  I remember you telling me that you never seen it, that’s crazy” Said Sarah. Jason mother calls Jason downstairs for dinner and he tells Sarah he has to go eat. Jason gets to the dinner table and asks his parents why he never seen his birth certificate before and they both ignore him and asks how his day was. Jason gets upset because he feels as if they’re being dishonest with him and leaves to go search the house for it himself. Jason looks high and low and finally comes across a mini hidden door behind they’re bed. Jason opens the door and finds paperwork with his name on it. As he goes through the paper work he comes across his birth certificate and as he examines it he realizes that his so called “parents” name isn’t anywhere to be found on the birth certificate and a paper that says certificate of adoption with his name on it. Jason drops the paper and is in total disbelief. To be continued...

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