The Most Average Kid in the World | Teen Ink

The Most Average Kid in the World

June 1, 2016
By Lioramke BRONZE, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
Lioramke BRONZE, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The most average kid in the world wakes up in a suburban middle-class neighborhood and heads out for the bus just like everyone else. At school, while sitting in the exact middle of the room, he gets a test back, receiving the grade the teacher just a minute earlier called out as the average. He notices that a few of his classmates are missing, some he can figure out are in some academic competition, others he guesses are probably over at the principal's office. At the end of the day he is picked up from school in a four door sedan to go to a basketball game. He gets a good amount of game time, and wins the game. His record goes to 5-5. He comes to his home in the middle of the street to a nuclear family. The rest of the day is comprised of doing his regular homework. As his day draws to a close he mentally groups this day with every other one, since they’re pretty much the same.

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