Spam Mail | Teen Ink

Spam Mail

June 1, 2016
By kheglin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
kheglin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To: Sylvia Brown, Stephen Neil, Amy Barker, Emily Sharp, Eric Joslin, 12+ recipients
From: Nicole Watz
Subject: Life check up
Date: June 4
Hello loyal friends! As you all know, I’ve had a drastic change in my life recently: I divorced my devil-come-again husband! It’s been several years in the making, but I’ve just recently had the courage to cut him out of my life. I feel like a phoenix that has emerged from the ashes; a flower that blooms in the spring after a harsh winter; the rising sun that signals the new day.
Because the Terrorist won the house in the settlement, I found myself homeless for a time. Despite creating a knot in my neck due to sleeping in the car, I persisted. I found out that I’m much more suited for apartment living anyway! I feel so much younger and in tune with things. Did you know that having exposed brick is considered “hip?” That’s what my cute real estate agent told me (I can call other men cute!). It’s nice not to have to share things with people anymore. No one to tell me when to make dinner, when to clean the house, when to do the laundry, when to go grocery shopping. I can let the plates stack up in the sink. Not that I would.
Friends, I feel like I can only go up from here. I’d like to thank all of you for being by my side through this trying process. But, as we can see, I made it out alive, and I’m stronger. Be on the look out for more life updates, because Nicole Watz has a lot to say!

To: April Harris
From: Nicole Watz
Subject: Invitation to stay
Date: June 4
You can’t ignore me forever!
How have you been, April? No matter what your father tells you, I do love and miss you. I remember being twelve, and how I desperately needed my mother in my life. Do you think your father will sit you down and talk about tampons? I think not!
You just began summer break, right? What better way to spend your upcoming lazy days than with me at my new apartment! Because I wanted to be close to the bustling downtown, I had to sacrifice size. So, we’d be sharing a room, as it is only a one-bedroom apartment (don’t worry, we’ll have our own bathrooms). Think of it as a sleepover! You still have sleepovers, right? We’ll be able to stay up until midnight, eat popcorn, and talk boys!
I’m the woman who birthed you, so I should have a say in what you can and can’t do. So I say that there’s no need to ask your father if you can stay the summer. I’ll be checking my email frequently, so let me know as soon as you can.
Can’t wait to see you!

To: Nicole Watz
From: AmazonPrime
Subject: Your package has shipped!
Date: June 4
Dear Nicole Watz,
Your order of “How to Entertain Guests 101 by Steven Lugg” has shipped! With “Next Day Shipping”, your order is expected to arrive June 5.
The AmazonPrime team thanks you for being a loyal customer!

To:  Sylvia Brown, Stephen Neil, Amy Barker, Emily Sharp, Eric Joslin, 12+ recipients
From: Nicole Watz
Subject: House warming soirée
Date: June 6
Greetings everyone!
After sending my “Nicole Life Update” email a few days ago, I discovered that I hadn’t yet restocked my fridge. Not wasting a second, I walked to the nearest grocery store (Remember how close I am to downtown? Everything is in such close proximity, my feet are the only modes of transportation that I need!). As I walked through the automatic sliding doors, I instinctively reached for a paper grocery slip. When I was captive in my old marriage, I would be constantly making grocery lists, full of demands made by my oppressive jailor. It was there, standing in that harsh air conditioning that I realized I don’t need to make lists anymore!
I’m now living life in the moment. And that’s where you all come in. I’m writing to invite you all to an apartment warming party tomorrow night! For some of you, tomorrow night might be too immediate, but that’s where I challenge you to just let go and live. We’re not going to be young forever!
The festivities will begin around seven, where I’ll be serving a new Tuna and Red Pepper Mousse Toast recipe that I just found! I’ve got the wine, so all you need bring is your lovely selves.
See you tomorrow night at seven!

To: Nicole Watz
From: Amy Barker
Subject: Re: House warming soirée
Date: June 6
Dear Nicole,
Tim and I would like to thank you for the invitation to your apartment party tomorrow night. Unfortunately, we are seeing a play, which we have had tickets for weeks now.  We’ll have to grab dinner and catch up.
Glad to hear you’re doing well,

To: Nicole Watz
From: Eric Joslin
Subject: Re: House warming soirée
Date: June 6
  I’m currently out of the office, and will not return until the eighth of June. If it is urgent, please contact my assistant, Missy. I will be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.

To: Nicole Watz
From: Sylvia Brown
Subject: Re: House warming soirée
Date: June 6
Dear Nicole,
It has been so great hearing from you! Since my youngest has gone off to college, I’ve been spending my days out in the garden while David sits in front of the TV watching golf. Though the change has been strange, it just being the two of us, I think we’ll finally have the time we needed to spend more time with each other.
I’m so glad that you’re happy. I remember no more than a month ago us talking over coffee about how miserable you were. I hope you don’t mind me being honest, but I didn’t think you would go through with the divorce. But way to prove me wrong! And this new apartment you bought sounds wonderful! I can’t wait to come see it! I know you said not to bring anything, but I can bring dessert.
Can’t wait to see you!

To: Amy Barker
From: Sylvia Brown
Subject: Nicole’s
Date: June 8
Dear Amy,
I believe that you and I have been friends with Nicole the longest, so I think you’d like to hear about my observations from her house warming party.
I was running a little late, because David had forgotten to purchase the strawberry pie that I had asked him to buy on his trip to the grocery store. Because I was running close to thirty minutes late, I thought the party would be in full swing. It took me a few moments to find her apartment, because one of the metal numbers was missing, causing me to think I was on the wrong floor. I also thought I had the wrong home because I did not hear music or voices coming from inside.
Once I finally realized I had the right apartment, I knocked and door immediately opened.
There stood Nicole, glass of wine in hand. She quickly ushered me in, starting the tour of the apartment. She didn’t give me any time to ask where the guests were, nor time to even put the pie away! Amy, when Nicole wrote that she had exposed brick, I imagined something like what they show on HGTV. Instead, it looked as if the contractor had run out of drywall. There was only one bedroom, where she had managed to squeeze in a queen sized bed and tiny night stand. Nicole has always been the one for extravagance, but her new living arrangements makes me wonder if the financial arrangements from the divorce were less than ideal. I was in desperate need of a glass of wine.
Another cause for concern was that there was no sign of her daughter. Not even a picture of her hanging on the wall. Do you happen to know anything about the custody agreements?
We should go out for drinks sometime soon so we can talk about this in person. Hope all is going well on your end.

To: Nicole Watz
From: AmazonPrime
Subject: Your order has been shipped!
Date: June 13
Dear Nicole Watz,
Your order of “How the Modern Woman Keeps Herself Busy by Christina Sampson” has shipped! With “Next Day Shipping”, your order is expected to arrive June 14.
The AmazonPrime team thanks you for being a loyal customer!


To: Sylvia Brown, Stephen Neil, Amy Barker, Emily Sharp, Eric Joslin, 4+ recipients
From: Nicole Watz
Subject: The World of Nicole
Date: June 20
  If you look at the recipients, you will see that the number of subscribers has decreased. That is because I’ve gotten emails from people who I thought were dear friends of mine requesting to be removed from the list.  I now know who my true friends are.
I know it has been a while since I last sent all of you an email. I’m here to quell the rumors that I’ve gone radio silent. I’ve picked up a hobby! You’re now looking at Nicole Watz the violinist! The violin is an ancient art form, and I will soon be among the ranks of Bronislav Huberman, Fritz Kreisler, and many more. I start off my days making sure my instrument is in top shape, whether that be tuning the strings or polishing the wood. Then, I take the sheet music that I’ve printed out and practice in the kitchen (I discovered the kitchen had the best acoustics when I was singing Bon Jovi’s greatest hits). Though I haven’t mastered a piece yet, I feel as if I was born to play this instrument. I plan to hold a concert at the end of the summer, so be on the lookout for the invitation.

To: Nicole Watz
From: John Kim
Subject: Noise Complaint
Date: June 28
Dear Nicole,
I’ve gotten a number of noise complaints from residents of the building. As the practicing of instruments is allowed, it tends to keep people up at night. I’m writing to remind you that after eleven o’clock in the evening, we request residents to be mindful about the amount of noise they are making.
If I receive one more complaint, I’ll have to take more severe actions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. 

To: April Harris
From: Nicole Watz
Subject: June flew by!
Date: July 1
Dearest April,
Maybe the FBI intercepted the email I sent you, because I know my perfect daughter would never ignore me! The only other feasible option I could think of was that you wanted me to get settled into my apartment, so it would be more homey when you visited! Yes! That must be it.
How has your summer been going? Did you hear back from that woman about working at that ice cream store? Or has your father been babying you too much. He’s always been so clingy. Made me feel as if I was suffocating. Once, I forgot to tell him I was going out to see some old friends from college. No more than twenty minutes into the dinner and I start receiving phone call after phone call. Fifteen missed calls! He never did realize that I was a bird who needed to stretch her wings.
You, too, should be stretching your wings! Why don’t you stop by next week?
Looking forward to our girl’s night!

To: Nicole Watz
From: James Stoneburg 
Subject: Checking in
Date: July 3
Where’ve you been? I would have emailed sooner, but we just got swamped with expense reports. It seems that everybody in the company had a secret meeting and decided to go on vacation at the same time.
Mr. Lopez has come in the office a few times. I’ve been covering for you, but I think the CEO of the company has access to who’s coming in and out of work.
Hopefully I’ll see you soon. We could really use some help on those reports.
Assistant Financial Director of Pfizer

To: Nicole Watz
From: Tyler Harris
Subject: April
Date: July 6
Did you really think April wouldn’t tell me that you’ve been emailing her? And did you also think she would sneak off to your apartment without telling me?
Nicole, I tried to reason with you during the divorce. I offered joint custody, but it was all or nothing for you. I used to admire your strong sense of determination, but I’ve now realized that you’re just as stubborn as a toddler. Even your lawyer suggested you take joint custody! Having April choose what parent she wanted to live with was just cruel. Cruel for you, at least.
Though we’re divorced, I only want the best for you. I saw your friend Sylvia on the street the other day, and she told me she’s concerned about you. She mentioned the house warming party, and how she was the only guest that arrived. Sylvia also mentioned that there were mountains of dishes in the sink, and take out boxes scattered on the kitchen counter.
Are you taking care of yourself? Are you remembering to take your medicine? I wouldn’t want you having another incident. I don’t think April has quiet recovered from that.
Maybe living alone in an apartment isn’t the best thing for you right now. If you want someone to talk to, I can give you the phone numbers of the best therapists in town. It’ll be a judgment free place. I don’t want you to think I’m prying into your life, but I don’t want April to see her mother in such disarray.
If you want to meet in person, let me know.

To: Sylvia Brown
From: Nicole Watz
Subject: My truest friend
Date: July 6
Though we haven’t seen each other for a few weeks now, that leech of a man still manages to get under my skin!
Sylvia, you are only human. And humans make mistakes. But I, being the merciful person I am, forgive you for letting top secret information slip. It’s not your fault that he decided to use what you told him against me. He even held April over me. What a low blow! Doesn’t he know that the connection between a mother and daughter is stronger than that of the father and daughter? He even sunk as low to bring up the time where I forgot to take my medicine and thought April was in fact a robber who was breaking into the house. Doesn’t he realize that even in that impaired mental state, I was trying to protect her? That’s why he found me holding the scissors! There was no way I was going to let a thug hurt my precious baby! Maybe his skull is so thick that concise thoughts are no longer processed.
You may be wondering why only you are receiving this update. What happened to the group emails? Sylvia, you have won. Alone you stand as my only true friend. Through these trying times, you have emerged victorious as my most loyal companion. Now, you have the privilege of reading about my outrageous life. Because it’s just you, I’ll be able to keep you updated more frequently.
Talk to you soon,

To: Nicole Watz
From: Peter Lopez
Subject: Work attendance
Date: July 12
  Dear Nicole,
You’ve been a valued member at our company since the first day you came aboard team Pfizer. I remember how your resume stood out, and how I had to convince my co-workers that despite your young age that you were the most qualified for the job. And you proved me right. I believe you are the most talented financial director we’ve ever had. You worked diligently every day, convincing me more and more that I made the correct choice in hiring you. It greatly disappoints me how your work ethic has been in decline.
From your punch card, it seems that you all together you have missed about a month of work. Now, if this were some other employee, you would have been fired immediately. But because you are Nicole, I’m giving you a warning. But this warning is not light. If you miss three more days of work, your contract with the company will be terminated, effective immediate.
Nicole, I hope you make the right choice and that I see you at work.
Peter Lopez
CEO of Pfizer

To: Amy Barker
From: Sylvia Brown
Subject: Re: Re: Nicole’s
Date: July 19
Dear Amy,
My mother raised me to be nice to everyone. Even if they weren’t the most pleasant, she taught me to hold my tongue and smile through. I felt bad for Nicole, as she had just went through the divorce and lost custody of her daughter (did you know Nicole made her daughter pick a parent, and she chose her father? I can’t even imagine). I read the group emails, went to the house warming party, offered words of encouragement, thinking it would help her get out of the low point. It now seems as if my kindness has backfired. Since being alerted that I am now the only one who receives her emails (you could have told me you were unsubscribing), I’ve gotten an email almost every single day.
Her view of the world is getting so distorted, that I don’t even know if she’s writing the truth anymore. In her last email to me, she said she lost the position at the job she’s been at for the past six years. She’s not concerned, however, because she claims it gives her more time to practice the violin and to live more spontaneously. I feel as if I were to give her advice, she would ignore it and say I was overreacting. 
I can’t continue to read about how she is destroying her life. I’ve done all that I can for her. I’ll have to come up with an excuse as to why I won’t be able to email her. Maybe I’ll say I’m going off to Germany or something.
I’ll let you know how this all goes,

To: Nicole Watz
From: Sylvia Brown
Subject: Live life to the fullest!
Date: July 25
Dear Nicole,
I decided to take your advice and live life to the fullest! Recently, I found David and myself sitting on the couch, eating our TV dinner that consisted of mashed potatoes and Salisbury steak. The evening news had just concluded, and a travel show took its place. This episode, they were featuring a small German town by the name of Dinkelsbühl. Oh, Nicole, you should have watched this program! Because the fighting of World War Two missed the town, Dinkelsbühl has managed to keep its authenticity of a medieval German town over the years. Having instantly fallen in love, I grabbed the laptop and went to a travel website.
David and I are going to Dinkelsbühl! We leave the twenty seventh, and won’t have access to the internet for three weeks.
I’ve so enjoyed getting your emails, but I won’t be able to respond. I hope that you continue to practice the violin, but also find other things that make you happy. Maybe get back out into the world of dating?
Auf Wiedersehen!

To: Nicole Watz
From: AmazonPrime
Subject: Your order has shipped!
Date: July 30
Dear Nicole Watz,
Your orders of “Jobs are overrated: Be your own boss by Vanessa Cortez” and “How to Cope with Lonliness by Frank Sweeny” and has shipped! With “Next Day Shipping”, your order is expected to arrive July 31.
The AmazonPrime team thanks you for being a loyal customer!

To: April Harris
From: Nicole Watz
Subject: Who run the world? Your mom!
Date: August 1
My one and only daughter,
Like so many other women before me, I’ve become my own boss. The oppressive work machine that was Pfizer no longer gave me that sense of satisfaction that it once did. Like a mindless pawn of the system, I would drag myself to a cubicle, stare at a computer screen, and then return home. Even the pills couldn’t dull the intense feeling of dissatisfaction. So, I’ve severed ties with the company!
In short, this means that I can spend even more time with you! We can do all the activities that we used to do when you were younger. Remember the time when we went to that farm that’s about two hours out? How could you forget? We saw a live birth! I bet that you were the only one in your first grade class who could say that they saw a calf seconds after it had been birthed.
As always, your father meddled into our affairs, and demanded me to ask him before I invite you over. April, do not let the patriarchy oppress you. If you want to see your mother, then you should be able to see your mother.
I love you more than that mother cow loved her calf!

To: Nicole Watz
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem 
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Date: August 1
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

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