The dreams we follow | Teen Ink

The dreams we follow

June 1, 2016
By BeccaLynn2002 BRONZE, Lehigh Acres, Florida
BeccaLynn2002 BRONZE, Lehigh Acres, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Knowing when to walk away is wisdom,being able to is courage and walking away with your head held high is dignity."

My name is Skylar Wilson I was happy I haven’t  felt like that in a long time I was living in a apartment in Florida. And I turned 18 in a week. My friends Kylie Adams and Violet Collins and i had dreams of going to paris after college.We just finished high school, and my mom was doing good with her new job in tampa. she wanted me out the apartment not that i was bad but because she wanted me to start this dream,so when it was over I could find a new one.
I would miss her but I would see her again. I said goodbye, packed my last bag and walked out to the car. My friends were waiting for me “hey you ready”violet asked.I took one last look at our old run down apartment building and turned away.” As ready as i will ever be”
We already had a apartment in chicago right next to the college we were going to. As we were driving to chicago I realized that We were leaving everything we had ever known behind. As i stared out the backseat window I couldn’t help thinking of my childhood. Sleepovers, school birthdays, seeking out late without permission pranking siblings. A tear fell down my cheek, it wasn't a sad tear because I knew that I still had plenty of time to make more memories. It was like my entire childhood was bundled up Inside that one tear, and as it fell down my cheek it was like my child hood sliding away from me. I kind of let my childhood go but at the same time knew that I would never forget it.It will live on in my heart forever because it's a part of me.i looked over at violet and kylie in the front seat, and I noticed they were crying too. I smiled and  realized our life was only just starting.I was prepared for this I knew this is what I wanted and then remembering the promise we made when we were 13.Any dream we had we would follow and prove to everyone that doubted us that we were bigger than that. That we were bigger than them.We stoped for gas at a seven eleven. I grabbed my camera and held it out for a selfie. “this is it guys” i said. “This is us.”
And these are the dreams we follow.

The author's comments:

My best friend sabrina and grace inspried me to write this short story.:)

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pjofan12 said...
on Jun. 15 2016 at 9:53 am
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
this is a good story i like it