The Story of the Fur Coat Killer | Teen Ink

The Story of the Fur Coat Killer

June 2, 2016
By Sgt.VonSturmAnstieg BRONZE, Rootstown, Ohio
Sgt.VonSturmAnstieg BRONZE, Rootstown, Ohio
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This is the story of a man. He was not a good man. No, he was a very bad man. This is the story of Mr.Lupton. Mr.William “the Fur Coat Killer.” Lupton was the head of a massive criminal organization. He would buy and sell anything from narcotics to guns, and everything in between. He ran a tight organization even going as far as having colors associated with it.  He ran it with brutal efficiency, controlling his turf with an iron fist with  the help of his lieutenants. Sanguine his left hand and love of his life, and cooker a meth’d up  violent man. THis isn’t about them though this about the man behind the organization.

Where to start with Mr.Lupton. The ex-army vet. Who traded in his camo fatigues for fur coats and super cars. The man who went from rags to riches in what seemed like overnight. I guess the first thing I could say about him is he’s smart.  If he wasn’t he’d be sitting in a federal penitentiary or 6 feet under. I guess that’s something they teach you in the army.  The army wasn’t for him though, after completing his tour of duty he looked for alternate means to make money. He had the skills to do it too. He started out small climbing his way up the ladder, as his operations grew, so did the need for employees.

William turned to an old friend for help. Cooker. Cooker was the sniper in Lupton's squad back in the army, but was dishonorably discharged. The list of offenses he committed  is to long to name.When Lupton came to his old friend for help he hopped right on board. Now with his work force operating larger the police took notice. Being the smart man he was he knew everyone had a price, even the police. Surprisingly though there price was low. Now with the law off his back he was ready to expand again. Now buying guards, mansions, better weapons, and vehicles. After a while he noticed that even after large sales of product he would struggle to keep up with his lavish lifestyle. He turned to armed robbery, hijacking armored trucks to robbing banks. His first big score was the bank on East 5th Street. Taking a healthy sum of cash. Now with both the knowledge of armed robbery and distribution of goods money came in faster than before thousands of dollars at a time.

With his new money he bought his infamous white and burgundy Mercedes-Benz G63 6x6. Why he chose these colors to be the colors of his organization we’ll never know. What we do know is he had this truck souped up with a better engine, armor, bullet proof tires and windows. Ready to  out run and bulldoze anything.

His dealings attracted attention of his rivals. Seeing the threats and opportunities ahead he made deals with those he could work with, and eliminated those he couldn't. After awhile of the murders and hits, he wanted to feel classy so he’d look more sensible when in reality he was a warmonger. So he ordered a custom Burgundy fur coat one specially made for him it didn’t make him look classy but it did give him the name of the fur coat killer.

Now with his rivals in check and police under control, he basically owned the city somehow avoiding the feds, for now. Although there were still independent dealers running around making money off his turf. One was special though a woman who was known on the streets of Sanguine. Lupton who often made deals with local dealers or killed them picked up sanguine is the criminal manner of throwing a bag over her head and having her brought to his office. When they saw each other it was love at first sight, creating the new age bonnie and clyde. As product was sent out and money came in he soon attracted the attention of the feds. They started monitoring him, but he was prepared and infected there network with a virus and steal any useful information. After they finally fixed it sorta, they came after him. It was an early morning raid as the feds kicked in  the doors of his luxury mansion, only to find it empty, everything gone.
The only thing left was a note saying “Too late. Signed The Fur Coat Killer.” The information he stole from the feds included the plans of the raid, and how it would be carried out. Using his time he escaped heading for another country leaving the feds with nothing but a failed raid, and an empty file on his organization. No one knows where he is now, he could be making criminal deals in other nations, or he could be retired with a healthy bank account. One things for sure Mr. William “the Fur Coat Killer” Lupton has disappeared completely from the eyes of the law. 

The author's comments:

This piece was created after playing hours of Gta 5 inspired me to write about a high profile criminal.

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