summer | Teen Ink


June 8, 2016
By ksang BRONZE, Smithtown, New York
ksang BRONZE, Smithtown, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The summer is a time for teens to unwind, not worry about school, and hang out with friends. The memories that will be made are said to never be forgotten. As a young child memories are magically hazy and as you get older memories can change. As an 8 year old boy the school year was ending and summer was beginning. I saw all the older kids constantly running around, they were everywhere, it didn't seem fair that i was still in school. When the last day rolled around i couldn't wait to see all my friends. Summer seemed to fly by and school was already beginning. Summers like these happened until middle school. As i thought of being one of the older kids almost a teen it excited me to think that i could finally do anything during the summer. I heard the bell ring and when i got home i realized that i don't know what am i gonna do this summer. the warm weather was like a dream come true but it's not like what i remembered. I called up some of my friends but they’re all buzy. Throughout the years summer have become a time when i find my real friends but i have to remember that it's not their fault if they can't hang out. Without school friends seem to drift away and when the school year comes back it's like a reuniting because we haven't seen each other. As high school rolled around new friends seem to sprout everywhere i look. With the newly found freedom to do whatever we want, summer seems to have unlimited possibilities. 

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