The Greatest Gift | Teen Ink

The Greatest Gift

June 1, 2016
By Anonymous

Joe has a son that is very ill and needs a liver transplant to survive. He has been on the organ donation list for a few years now, with no luck. Joe’s dad, Kevin recently lost his job, house, and car. Kevin is very depressed about all of this and then the doctor tells him that his son does not have much longer to live without the transplant.


A few hours later Kevin is at the bank trying desperately to get a loan, but without a job, he is denied. Kevin,without thinking grabs the guards gun and demands that the teller give him the money in the vault. He believes that he will be able to just buy a new liver for his son to surbive. He has lost everything else and does not want to lose his son also.

The police arrive and try to get the hostages out of the bank, but Kevin is not thinking clearly and will not allow that. Swat arrives and are able to talk Kevin down and get the hostages to safety. After he is all alone in the bank he turns the gun on hisself. A police officer rushes over and tackles Kevin, the gun goes across the floor and then Kevin is arrested for attempted robbery.

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