The Lie | Teen Ink

The Lie

June 16, 2016
By Aminah BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
Aminah BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting in her pretty pink room is an innocent girl living in a world of lies. Her parents run a successful company and are always busy so she doesn’t get a lot of time with her mom and dad. That means she can throw parties whenever she wants. Her mom and dad hardly pay attention to her, they are too busy running a company. The only thing that Heather can’t get is her parent’s attention.

“Hello?” Heather asked curious about who was on the phone.
“Hi sweetie, it’s mommy,” Heather’s mom explained.
“MOM! When are you coming from New York? I have so much to tell you,” Heather asked in curiosity eager to explain what’s been going on.
“Sorry Sweetie, I don’t have time. Your dad and I have to stay in New York for two more weeks,” Heather’s mom, Jennifer, said.
“Oh okay, that’s fine,” Heather lied trying to seem cool with the devastating news. Heather hasn’t seen her parents in five months.
“I called because I wanted to make sure that you tell the nanny to not touch my laptop,” Jennifer explained.
“Yeah, um… Okay mom. I really miss you,” Heather said.
“Yeah, I miss you too honey but I have got to go. Bye!” Jennifer replied in a hurry.
“Bye mom,” Heather replied in a gloomy tone.
All Heather ever wanted was her parent’s attention and she never got that growing up. Ever since she was five, her nanny was basically her mom. Her nanny would help her with her homework, help her pick out her clothes and whenever Heather has a problem she would go to her nanny.
“Heather it is time to wake up,” Heather's nanny, Monica, yelled.
“Just give me one more minute,” Heather hollered back.
“Okay, breakfast will be ready for you when you get to the kitchen,” Monica replied.
Heather put on her dress, the dress had pink and purple flowers on the sides and the rest was nice white. She pulled her red hair into a bun. For some reason, her mom and her dad had brown hair but she had red hair just like her nanny. Then, she put on her white shoes and headed down to the kitchen.
“Good Morning,” Monica greeted Heather as she walked into the kitchen.
“Good Morning! Guess who called again to remind you not touch her laptop? Heather asked.
“Hmm…I wonder, your mom? Monica asked sarcastically.
“Yep and not once did she asked how I was,” Heather exclaimed.
“ Yeah umm... I have to tell you something but you have to promise to never to tell anyone. You can’t even tell this to your mom and dad because if your mom and dad find out that I told they will fire me,” Monica said in a serious tone.
“Yeah but can you tell me when I come home from school. I have to go to school early for extra- help,” Heather explained.
“Umm…Okay but when school ends come directly home because I have something to tell you. It is really important Heather,” Monica explained in a serious tone.
“Okay. Bye Monica!” Heather said rushing off to school.
While walking to school Heather wondered why she didn’t look anything like her mom. She looked more like her dad but Heather has always had a gut feeling about her mom. She can’t explain it but she feels different and separated from her mom. It might be because Jennifer and Heather haven’t seen each other in a month.
“Hey Heather! Did you finish the essay that is due tomorrow?” Heather's best friend, Rachel asked.
“No, I didn’t. I am going to finish that today,” Heather replied.
The rest of her day went by fast. It was pretty boring. Heather went to her classes and got homework.  After school Heather followed Monica's directions and went home right after school.
“Monica, I’m home! What did you need to tell me?” Heather asked in curiousity.
Monica was sitting on the couch wearing pink pajamas.
“Heather I have to tell something but I need to make sure that you won’t tell anybody and you won’t get mad at me,” Monica explained.  “I promise I will never tell anybody, and I would never get mad at you for anything,” Heather assured Monica.
“Okay so umm… you know how you feel like there is a missing part of you and you feel like you are different from your mom,” Monica explained.
“Yeah it’s because I have been away from her for too long,” Heather explained.
“No, it’s not. Jennifer is not your mom,” Monica stated.
"You are lying! Prove it to me. Prove it to me that you are my real mother," Heather said in denial.
As Heather was talking, Monica took out a piece of paper and handed it to Heather.
"Is this my birth certificate?"Heather asked.
"Yeah, it sure is,"Monica stated.
“Why didn’t you tell me this earlier, I lived a lie for 11 years and you are just telling me this now. How could you do this to me?”
“ I am so sorry! At the time when I had you, I was poor and I could not afford anything! Your dad told me that if I took care of you then, he would support you. But there was a condition and it is that you could never know that I am your mother. I have to tell you this now because it kills me to see you this way,” Monica explained.
“Wow. Ummm… I don’t know what to say. All I know is that I want to be with you. But, why would Jennifer want a kid that is not biological to her or her husband?”Heather asked.
“They are unable to have a kid. So they decided to help me out and I would help them out. I work this job for free. I only work for free because I want to be there for you,”Monica explained.
“Thank you for telling me! Can I move in with you?,Heather asked.
“Of course you can. We can be a family,”Monica said.

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