A Novel | Teen Ink

A Novel

October 14, 2016
By OBsCeNE BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
OBsCeNE BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Novel
I stood there as I saw my Mother, Amanda burning my life away upon her feet, the ashes consumed my chest. My work, my LIFE brought down by my own, this wasn’t  happening?!?!
I’ve learned over the years on how to write; my Mother never supported it, yet I told myself I would accomplish something. I never asked what she wanted for me even though she most likely wanted a doctor out of me. I never saw this in me, a doctor, a lawyer, a professional?
My relationship with my mother as in biological mother was never good. My father left me when I was 12, and it just made it worse with a mother who didn’t believe in my choices. I was the only child she had, so my life was lonely without a brother or a sister. I made a great friend named Phil who was there for me as a brother and who also viewed me to be his brother. He supported my dream of becoming a novel writer and he believed I would succeed. I felt as if I could accomplish anything with Phil with the encouragement he gave me and the support that wasn’t there when I was younger. Phil may have been older by two years, but I viewed him as a brother someone who would be there when I needed to talk to someone or just express my emotions and anything that came up with my Mother.
Currently, I am 20, and I moved out of my house when I was 18 and was able to get an apartment. This let's express my writings and let myself be heard. I don’t know if I ever told you what my name was, my name is Mark. I sometimes don’t introduce myself and just keep talking without realizing that I didn’t say my name. Well enough of that, today I decided to finally get started on my novel again remember the one that was destroyed. Is this weird that I’m talking to you omg the fourth wall breaks what?!?!
Three months later
Well, this is weird I don’t know how to feel about this should I be sad… this situation Phil didn’t know how to handle either. My Mother died… the next few days I felt like I was supposed to feel something. Feelings? People would call me a psychopath, but I viewed it as a broken relationship with my parent. I can’t believe the relationship with my mother got like this. All this happened because of a novel, a story I wanted to write. This was not the dream my mom wanted for me, but it was my decision. The death of my Mother was a time in my life where I felt like I was free. I felt like I was free from the unsupportive mother, yet I couldn’t continue the novel during this month as if I was held back.
I continued with my dream even though I felt like my Mother gaze was upon me even though she was in the afterlife. Phil moved into my apartment to keep me company and I were ok with it. The novel I wrote was about my life story and what I had to deal with as a young kid with dreams. It took me quite a while to write this 300-page novel that I was proud of and accepted. Even though my Mother did not approve of my novel writing or writings in general. I decided to dedicate the book in memory of her, and for the accomplishment, I made without her believing in me.

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