Wait. | Teen Ink


October 14, 2016
By T00thPaiste BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
T00thPaiste BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Stop!” exclaimed Anon as his work was being torn up in front of him. What was Anon’s life work, was destroyed in the blink of an eye. The man who tore it up started walking towards Anon in the abandoned hospital room. “I’ve been watching you since you were just at the age of four, and I must say Mr. May, you didn’t make it this far alone.” said the man with a disturbing smirk on his face. “Because of your misdoings, you’re going to go back to when you started this job, at fourteen, and you will find out where you went wrong” and right after the man said that  Anon lost conscious of his surroundings.
“Wake up Anon wake up!” “You’ll be late for school!” screamed my mother. “You left your headphones on while watching a movie, you shouldn’t stay up so late watching these.” said my mom as I rushed downstairs, with my shirt on backwards and hair uncombed. It was an average morning for me, wake up, business, school. Yes, business, i’m quite the genius, not to brag or anything. Anyways, let's continue shall we?
This morning I was oddly tired, like when I woke up, I could feel the dryness of my breath, crust in my eyes, and the feel of weights on my back. Not the best way to wake up for school. As I headed out the door to my bus stop, I could feel the cold autumn breeze going through my shirt and it felt nice. The great sensation of mornings inspire me, and they inspire me to come up with strategies for the next big profit. I had felt that this idea was going to be good to brainstorm at school.
I finally paced myself down the street at the bus stop, and like clockwork, the bus was there at the same time as me. The door opened, the bus driver greeting me as I walked up the little stairs and onto the bus. I chose the emptiest seat I could find and sat down. I took out my notepad from my briefcase and started writing notes about my next big idea. I can get a little bored with my work so I only wrote for about five minutes. I tend to rush things all the time even though I am intelligent for my age.
The bus finally arrived to my school, where all my magic happens. You see, my school isn’t a regular school. It is only filled with the most elite students across the world. My business resides in this school as well.
I stepped off the bus and walked towards the entrance of the school, and as usual, the principle was standing at the door greeting all the students. “Hey Anon, ready for your next business meeting today?” said principle Morgan. “You already know Mr. M” I said in a confident, bragging tone.
After the morning greeting, I walked to my class on the third floor of the school, got inside, and sat down in front of my computer office. I bent down under the table to press the start button, and immediately got to work. I could see in my marketing program that the stocks were doing well. Because of that I decided to sell them early, hoping for maximum gains.
Then, I turned off the monitor and took a nap, waiting for my professor to come into class and check on my progress. Soon enough, it had been thirty minutes and professor Jun finally came in. I asked him first thing to check my stock program because I was eager to see if I made the right move. Sadly, he gave me a warm little smile and told me to be a little more patient on waiting for stocks to get to the right price. Then execute the sale and gain the profits you intend to.
As upset as I was, I thanked Professor Jun and went back to work. Fast foward, school just got out and I was exhausted much more than usual, so I got onto the bus immediately, got home, and crashed. A day filled with reading a screen full of numbers was finished.

The author's comments:

Ummm. have fun reading it.

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