Bad Feeling | Teen Ink

Bad Feeling

October 14, 2016
By Night_Escape69 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Night_Escape69 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

I’m 8,7333 miles away from India. Soon we will arrive to Dallas, Texas. I look out the airplane window and observed the self-illuminating cities. I still haven’t gotten used to the idea that I will now have a new home; it all seemed to be surreal. Just yesterday, I was saying goodbye to all of my friends and family members. I can still vividly remember how Mama and Papa announced that we would be moving. Mama made her famous curry dish. Once in the kitchen, all of the sweet spices hit your face and the odor penetrated your clothes. During dinner, Papa explained to us that he had found a new job in the US and we would be moving with him. He also informed us that he had already bought a house, we just need to move. However, grandma Akanksha would not be moving with us on this trip. She would join us later because she needed to take care of some things. As I wait for the airplane to land, I think about how grandma is doing. I know she has been in and out of the hospital recently, but hopefully, she can join us soon.
When we arrived to Dallas, Texas, many people greeted us at the terminal. Many of the unfamiliar faces were our cousins who had previously migrated to the US. After greeting all of the new and different faces, one of our cousins took us to our new house.
Upon arriving to the neighborhood, Ravi and I noticed the worn down houses and the littered street. As we made our way to the door, a stale and dank smell seeped into our nostrils. Once we walked into the house, the rumbling of Delilah’s engine got farther and farther way. I set my lugged down and examined our small home. “Mirabai, you and Ravi will sleep in one room. Mama and I will sleep in the other”, Papa said. Ravi and I looked at each other with annoyance, but understood why these circumstances we are in place. Mama put one arm around my shoulder and the other arm around Ravi and said, “My sweet peas, just hang in there. Sooner than you know it, we will be just as happy as we were in India. You guys better get some sleep. Delilah brought us some blankets and pillows to lay on the floor for now.” She gave Ravi a quick peck and gave me big hug. She then whispered, “Mirabai, grandma is fine. Try not to think about it too much.” I nodded and gave Mama and Papa a big kiss on the check. As Ravi and I set up for the night, Ravi talks to me about the goals he plans to achieve. After setting up, I turn off the light and crawl under the blanket. No less than 2 feet away from me is Ravi, slowly dozing off to a deep sleep. I, however, can’t. I turn on my side and forcefully close my eyes. I try to think of a relaxing place, but my thoughts wander back to the most important question I wanted to ask, “Why isn’t grandma coming? She’s practically our second mother, she deserves to be here.” I open my eyes and notice that the bottom of the door shined bright. I stand up, walk towards the door, open it, and walk to the edge of the hall. I can hear my Mama sniffling. I peek my head around the corner and see my Mama and Papa sitting on the floor. My Papa is rubbing my Mama’s back. He says, “Honey, everything is going to be alright.” My Mama nods as tears roll down her cheek. She then says, “Mindy, my sister, said that she had no choice but to disconnect her from life support. She didn’t have much life in her. Her glistening brown eyes were now bleak and cold.” My eyes widened and I could practically feel the hot tears bursting out of my eyes. Then Papa says, “This is why we moved honey. I couldn’t support our family back in India, and your mother didn’t want you or the kids to see her like that. She also didn’t want us to miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime. Although she is no longer here, her grace and heart will always be with us. Just remember, she wanted this for us. That’s why she gave us the money to move to America.”

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 21 2016 at 12:44 pm
lost_child69 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
The sensory language is strong in this one! :)