The Day Without Mom | Teen Ink

The Day Without Mom

October 14, 2016
By lost_child69 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
lost_child69 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

My intestines were just about to eat each other like a hungry pack of wild wolves while walking home. It was already getting dark, and you bet I was ready for my mother’s steamy, heart-warming soup! As I entered my house, I threw off my backpack and walked into the kitchen. Surprisingly, the stove was all alone and looked like it hadn’t been used all day. The oven was empty and only had greasy residue from Sunday’s dinner. And, the sink had a pile of dishes towering over resembling the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I walked toward the hall and into my room. My dirty clothes were scattered everywhere, and my bed was still unmade. In that moment, I finally realized something was wrong. My mother was missing.
“Charlie!” I called, “Where’s momma?” He walked up towards me and lifted his tiny head to look up at my face before finally answering, “I think momma left us June. She hasn’t even given me my afternoon snack.” His response got me thinking. “How long has she been gone?” I thought.
I decided to fix some supper for Charlie only to realize that I had never cooked before. Ever since I could remember, Mother had prepared my meals. I did manage, however, to remember how she turned on the stove, so I decided to give that a try and added a pan with a handful of noodles. Minutes later, a burnt and awful smell started to arise. “Why aren’t the noodles cooking?!” I thought in panic and decided to retreat my mission. Instead, I stuck to the decision of using the microwave because nothing could go wrong with that. I had no idea what I was in for.
I opened a package of macaroni and poured it into a bowl. I then mixed in the thick, gooey cheese with a metal fork and placed it inside the microwave. I made sure to read the instructions very carefully and started the timer for exactly three minutes. Not even a minute later, sparks and small flames started to appear hitting the metal fork with a clash, I tried to stop it as quickly as I could, but the microwave didn’t seem to understand my commands. The flames seemed to be growing, increasing in size in rapidly. Then I noticed the electrical  plug. I yanked it out of the outlet praying that it would save us. Thankfully the flames began to diminish instantly, but a lot of damage was done. I couldn’t help but imagine the terror on Mother’s face when she saw it.
Our last option was having cold cereal for dinner. I grabbed the box of Big O’s and a couple of bowls. As I poured the milk onto the cereal, a horrible and sour odor came upon my nose; big chunks of spoiled milk started plummeting down against the cereal, and unfortunately, some of it landed on Charlie’s angelic, celestial, and majestic face. I then looked at him and saw tears forming in the corners of his eyes, so I told him, “It’s okay Charlie. We’re just going to suffer and starve to death.”
However, in that moment, Mom came bursting in through the front doors. “I’m here kiddos! What in the world is that smell? Did Charlie poop himself, again? I can’t believe this thing is my child.”
“Mom,” we both echoed, “we need you!” She nodded in disappointment and said,“Sweetie, I was only gone for twenty minutes. I swear I can’t even leave y’all alone without you guys burning down the place.” I couldn’t help but smile although she was furious. I was just so glad to have my mom back.

The author's comments:

Sometimes we forget how much our moms contribute to our lives.

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on Oct. 21 2016 at 11:59 am
Night_Escape69 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Literally goals!!!!!!