Be Strong! | Teen Ink

Be Strong!

October 14, 2016
By angie01a BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
angie01a BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her smile faded as she entered her grandparent's house. It was like if all the happy memories were sucked out of her by the horrible memories. Her grandparent's house was where the entire family gathered every Saturday and Sunday. Even though Rosalie loved her family she dreaded going because of one person. “HEY Rosalie!” shouted Liz, her cousin, as she came up to give her a bear hug. Rosalie held back at first but then awkwardly joined in. In the sunroom, Max, Paige, Brooke and Ciara were playing Twister while in the living room the adults were talking about the recent news. As Rosalie approached her grandparents she forced a smile while giving them a hug and kiss. She did the same when she greeted her aunts and uncles.
After all the hugs and kisses Rosalie started to make her way to the couch until she was stopped by her older sister Katherine who whispered “Try to spend time with the family…don’t isolate yourself.” Rosalie nodded as they both started to make their way to the sunroom to join their cousins. As Rosalie walked in, Liz stared disgustedly as she said, “Look who decided to come.” Rosalie felt the anger inside her rise like a volcano ready to explode but contained her anger to avoid problems. Calmly Rosalie said, “Can we join?” but quick like a snake, Liz responded “No…you should just go to the couch and sit there quietly…you’re more likeable when you sit there.” In an exasperated tone Katherine, said “SHUT UP LIZ!” as she pushed her.“Why are you so mean? Huh? Why don’t you go sit over there and be quiet?” Katherine continued. Nearly in tears, Rosalie ran out of the sunroom and into the restroom. Liz was the main reason Rosalie dreaded going to her grandmother's house. This wasn’t the first time Liz had been mean to her there had been many other times.
Alexander saw Rosalie run into the restroom and knew that it had to do with Liz. Being the caring brother he was he went to comfort her. Alexander was the reflection of their mother. Alexander always had life lessons up his sleeve and this was the perfect time to lash one out. Alexander took a deep breath in and said "There will be many people in the world who will want to see hurt but you must remain strong! Don’t show weakness because they will only continue on, like Liz. Now go back out there and be strong!" after a little bit of thought Rosalie gave him a hug and did exactly what Alexander had told her.
Months later, Rosalie's mom got a phone call from Liz's mother. Liz had been diagnosed with cancer. Despite how mean Liz was to Rosalie she still cared. Later that day everyone gathered at her grandparent’s home. Liz took Rosalie aside and apologized for being mean to her. Liz then asked to have a fresh start with Rosalie. Rosalie accepted her apology and with a smile said, "Yes! I would like that. I will first help you battle cancer." After that day Rosalie and Liz have been inseparable.

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