Absolute angel | Teen Ink

Absolute angel

October 18, 2016
By Cole_ratliff BRONZE, Lake City, Florida
Cole_ratliff BRONZE, Lake City, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 1994 there was a girl who lived in lake city who went to suwannee high school. The school called her mother that day cause some mean girls were bullying her and the school thought it was a fight. The whole ride home they sat in silence listening to the rain drops on the car windshield. Her mother was driving on highway 90 heading home when the lightup sign at the biker bar caught her eye "girls drink free half of mixed drinks" she realized there was a lot of stuid drunk drivers out and about so so pulled over to wait them out . She is such a religious woman that isn't of tearing apart the tension in the car by talking to her daughter she instead opened and began reading the Bible. She got though a few pages before she placed the book on the dash and turned around to talk to her daughter. Within the seconds it took her to turn and face her daughter a drunk driver in a old beaten up ford pickup crash right into the front of there car only injuring the mother but the daughter was killed instantly by the Bible her mother just had to read and put on the dash the one night.
never pick on someone cause you never know if they will die the night after of something.

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