Maybe One Day | Teen Ink

Maybe One Day

October 18, 2016
By Stefbertelli BRONZE, Buckeye , Arizona
Stefbertelli BRONZE, Buckeye , Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Its insanity, but I love you" - Bertelli

I have a son. I got my girlfriend who is now my ex-wife pregnant.
Like having three girls wasn’t enough of a disappointment, now I have a son who plays on the football field, with the band?
If you learn anything in life learn this… Never, use a condom, from a women, because children, are a waste of time.
He is a boy. He should have been an amazing football player. Instead he marches on a god damn field with a bunch of little nerds he could easily squash. I would have ridiculed his so called “friends” in high school. 
I was actually excited to have him, until one day his mother comes home and tells me Frank, you need to keep your composer, and then I don’t really care that he heard our conversation. At least he knows what I think; but she told me your son… the boy next door… and then it was black out silent for a few seconds and I say something, that I will never regret. After this I can’t look at him as being my son.
Maybe I shouldn’t have pressured him so much, maybe it’s my fault he grew up to be such a faggot but his mother, oh boy his mother, she’s the one who always preached don’t pressure him frank, don’t force him, and then there she goes forcing him into dance and encouraging his show tunes career. Like that’ll get him anywhere in life.
I’ve only gone to a couple of his terribly preformed plays so his b**** of a mother would leave me alone. Maybe one day he’ll grow up.

The author's comments:

I had a friend with a pretty messed up life and he told me alot about it so i wrote something to help him cope a little better. 

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