Music Fills the empty spaces | Teen Ink

Music Fills the empty spaces

October 12, 2016
By Cutie14 BRONZE, Jurupa Valley , California
Cutie14 BRONZE, Jurupa Valley , California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Stage was a sea of ecstasy for most performers with its red long, flowy curtains, glossy wooden floors, and a crowd of a thousand seats for people. That is where Alice belonged, she a girl with light features, walked on the stage waiting for someone to approach her any moment. Just walking in the room made her have a presence of warmth and comfort, fresh air that her nose had just walked through, and a making of the taste buds to have candy in her mouth. Music is a dream that feels the empty spaces, while if she choose a dream she loved she would never have to work a day in her life as for everyone else.

Through the doors, there was a pound and a “click-clack-click”, “Hello, i am your role model for this music industry yes?
“Oh yes, that is correct, it is so nice to finally meet you.”
“It is so nice to meet you as well, i’m sure we will have a great year”.
Those were the good memories She had thought. The class had ended and so did school so, as she would she had done research on colleges and universities. Although her back was stiffened with red eyes since she was at the computer for hours, she had come across a contest that she can maybe join. The next day, she joined the contest which happened to be called the dream maker contest in which was a great opportunity for her. She had walked up to the bright, shiny booth with the sign up forms, along with two girls wearing a white shirt that said “Dreams come true, if you let it.” She felt that she was positive, she was signing up until a few girls came up to her.
“Who do you think you are?” And saying “Don’t cry if you lose” is what a few girls said.
Alice replied back “Listen you may not like me but i do not care and you can say anything you want behind me but, just remember there is someone always bigger than you!”
The day had happened, where she had performed with her singing and her playing her black shiny piano. Those girls were staring at her, giving her mean looks and then they went up to sing their song. During the performance had just became a sentence of life or death.
That is when all the judges lined up before her eyes and said “And the winner is....”
“Alice are you ok?!?”
“Where am i?” she had asked while waking up to a blank white room, others surrounding her.
“Your ok now everything will be fine, don’t worry”.
“What are you talking about!? She asked with wide eyes and her face frozen.
Some had faith in her and others didn’t, along with balloons on her side, music still filled the empty spaces. 

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because, i am a singer/musician myself and so i thought it would be a good idea to write about it but to add a twist to it that something never happened but, from the beggining people would discourage her and she didn't let them saying that music still filled the empty spaces in her life. 

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