House on Mango Street | Teen Ink

House on Mango Street

November 1, 2016
By Anonymous

The House on Mango Street was filled with group of brothers and sisters. They all got along very well. There was this one group of kids that decided that they wanted to sell a bike and another group of kids on the same street decided that they wanted to buy the bike. They were already trying to figure out who was going to ride the bike first and who was going to ride the bike after.

One of the kids had remembered that there big sister had some extra change upstairs and they were plotting on how they were going to get it. First they counted up all the money that they had and they still didn’t have enough. So the sister they were trying to get the money from had left. One of them was the look out and the other one was going into the house to get the money. The one that went into there house to get found the money and brought it out.

The group of kids that were selling the bike asked them if they had the money and they said “Yeah” so they made their exchange. They all stated that they wanted to ride the bike. So they all had to sit down and figure out who was going first. They all finally came to an understanding and they all got to ride the bike.

The author's comments:

It is mainly about the house on Mango Street.

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