Will We Ever Be Free | Teen Ink

Will We Ever Be Free

December 12, 2016
By Alien1004 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Alien1004 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where is Waldo really? In all the storybook endings the happy go lucky child will always find him. But the real question is can he find himself? Take a trip with me for a moment, what if,for all of these years,he needed help finding himself. No one ever looked at it from his point of view, always blending in with the crowd, that has got to be a uphill battle.
Conformity, that's what  have to say about it. Nothing less nothing more. All he does is stand there and look pretty, like a showgirl. He probably has a family at home with two dogs, but no. SInce he can not find himself then there is no going home to Sue and the kids, don’t forget about Lacy.
This poor guy, who probably was never named Waldo in the first place, nor never wore a striped shirt, was forced by what the kids wanted. He has to listen to all of these kids point and laugh as spit flows over the pages in search of this infamous Waldo character. Yet at the same time no one ever stopped to ask if Waldo ever found himself. WIth the book titled “Where’s Waldo”, you would think that after all this time the question of where is Waldo would have been ask. But nope, not one single person cares about his feelings.
Sometimes we have to step back, and think about how Waldo feels. He has dreams, wants, and needs. Does he want to stand there with a whole bunch of people he probably has never met ever. It would be like me joining the chest club, something you just don’t do. Let Waldo reinvent himself. Let him spread his wings and fly. Who knows the possibilities of what would happen if we gave him a voice or even subtitles. The poor little guy has nothing to live for.
In a perfect world all of us can relate to Waldo if you really think about it. It is extremely difficult to figure out who we are and what we want, but in the book called “Life” we don’t have to worry about kids with picking through their favorite pages trying to find us, because in this book, we have found who we are.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in my junior year of high school 

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