Icy highway | Teen Ink

Icy highway

December 15, 2016
By Anonymous

When it’s cold outside there is ice and on the highway it’s not hard to find that ice at 65Mph.My famliy and I were out for a family dinner, because we were celeabrating someones birthday. Afterwards we decided to go to my Grandparent’s house for cake and ice cream. When finally left and headed for the highway we left my grandparents leave first, after they left we started to leave.Once we get on the ramp to go on the highway we have caught up with my grandparents and once we get on the high our car starts sliding and then we start to spinning and all I can see is the lights of the cars going by then the wall. If we had the windows open then I could've reached out and touched the wall we got about a foot a way from it then started to spin out into traffic, the truck that was driving at us started to do the same thing and was heading for us but we got out of the way and was able to make it out of the icy area without a scratch. It was one of the scariest times of my life.

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