Magic | Teen Ink


March 26, 2018
By KirstenBlaize BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
KirstenBlaize BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a sad world where only the rich were happy, the people in the village were usually poor and did not have a home.
This is a woman that was depressed long ago and she could not find  happiness  Because she had lost her two year old son named elmer with long blonde hair for no reason. For 22 years she had hoped and said prayers that she would some day find her little boy again.
One day as she was giving up hope elmers mother had bought a golden necklace that  caught her eye and reminded her of her Elmer.  The necklace had this warm feeling to it which Elmers mother recognized. Meanwhile, The king of the village was looking for his happiness that he lost when 22 years ago when he killed a cat. Elmers mother gave the king the necklace as a gift and got a cat in return. But Elmers mother and the king soon realized that the necklace was made for the cat. So the two friends made the decision to give the dead cat the necklace and when the cat put the necklace on a little boy was born. It was Elmer, elmer was found by his mother, and elmer was sleeping so they took the necklace and Elmer turned into a dead cat again. So they put the necklace back on him so he could live again with his mother.
Elmer and his mother learned why he could only live with the necklace, and that was because When the king killed a cat elmer got trapped inside the cat and his only way out was to use the necklace that had the power to break curses, that the cat made.


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