Sacked Love | Teen Ink

Sacked Love

December 9, 2019
By UncleDscore SILVER, Neenah, Wisconsin
UncleDscore SILVER, Neenah, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just do right." (Maya Angelou)

“Derin!” I hear her shout from across the parking lot. I turn around to see Sara run up to me and almost knocking me down as she hugs me like a bear. “I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve been out together!”

“Can’t...breathe...” I say, partially joking. She giggles and removes her arms from me. Sara is wearing a white one-piece dress and some fancy jewelry. I should have asked her not to dress too good because, in comparison, she always makes me look like a mess no matter how hard I try. I’m wearing a bright red dress shirt, black overcoat, and black dress pants. Her bright dress practically glows in a night like this, complementing her blonde hair. I look at the entrance to the movie theater. There are not very many people at the doors. The last newly-released movie was weeks ago, and there hasn’t been anything worth seeing since, but it still surprised me.

“What’re we watchin’ tonight?” She asks as she takes my arm in hers. I tell her the name of the movie. It’s a scary movie, and one I know it’s one she’s wanted to see for a while. I always liked those types of movies too. They remind me of my freshman year in high school when I felt like everything and everyone wanted me dead. They weren’t good times. We walk forwards into the bright theater, where the lights pierce through the night like a spear.

As we’re inside, I’m scanning the pre-ordered tickets on my phone, when I see Nicole at the concession stand. I’ll be honest, I had no idea she’d be here tonight. She and Sara appeared opposite, with Nicole having long brown hair, glasses, and only dressed as nice as she needs to be: a black hoodie sweatshirt with jeans. Still, she looks beautiful.

Sara jumps in front of my gaze, and says, “You want popcorn that badly, huh?” I am confused, but then remember I was looking at the concession stand. I play along saying,

“Yeah, uh, didn’t have dinner yet.” The person at the desk rips the end of the ticket off, returns the stub to me, and tells us the theater number. We go buy some popcorn, which allows me to get closer to Nicole. I try to not look at her, acting cool and calm. As I pay for the popcorn, I turn towards the theater room and Nicole and I see each other. Her eyes are brown like dark chocolate, and I can see her beauty, making the world around us feel far away. It doesn’t last as long as I’d like, only about half a second, as she turns back to the concession clerk, and I turn back to Sara. My girlfriend has already begun walking towards the theater.

During the movie, Sara is very quiet. I am too, but not because I pay attention to the movie. I pay more attention to my nervousness, and silently rehearse what needs to be said later tonight. I take a look at Nicole every few seconds, as she is sitting in the front row ahead of us. Suddenly I jump as I feel something touch my hand. I realize it’s Sara, and I squeeze her hand back, looking at her face and her bright blue eyes. I can’t remember why I agreed to date her when she first confessed she liked me as more than a friend, but I always assumed it was those eyes. I couldn’t remember where I heard it from, but I heard someone saying the eyes were the windows to the soul. I think it might have been Sara’s eyes, filled with purity and compassion, that made me think “yes”. I look back at the screen, enjoying the rest of the movie.

After the room clears out, I see Nicole in the lounge, typing something on her phone. Sara isn’t with me because she went to grab us some refills on soda that we could take home with ourselves. I think about walking up to Nicole. I love her, and I want to be with her. But then I remember Sara. I wonder what she would say if I were to leave her. I try justifying it to myself: “Sara is forgiving so she’ll understand.” “I don’t really love her.” “I should be happier.” I am about to walk up to Nicole before I see Sara walk over to me and I meet her gaze. She hands me my soda carefully as if handling toxic waste.

She asks, “Are you alright? You aren’t acting like yourself.”

I reply, “No, I’m...fine.” The pause is a mistake.

“What’s really wrong?” She asks again. I say nothing in response.

“Don’t worry. You can tell me anything.” I look at the floor. As she waits for my answer, I think about how I am going to word what I need to say. I look back to her face and see those eyes. The eyes of the person that helped me through the worst parts of my life. Back when I felt like the world hated me, Sara was there for me. Her eyes look up at me, the look of worry covering her face. I can tell she really cares for me, and it makes me hurt inside.

I simply say, “Please don’t worry. I want you to be happy.” I see Nicole walks out of the theater ahead of us out of the corner of my eye. “I love you, Sara.”

The author's comments:

Romance stories aren't something I prefer to read or write, but I decided to step a little bit outside my comfort zone and write this.

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