The Chandelier | Teen Ink

The Chandelier

March 12, 2020
By Anonymous

“Wow, your house is beautiful. Look at that chandellier!” Jason screeched as I opened the door. We were high school sweethearts but completely lost touch during college. I hadn’t thought about him for years until we just randomly ran into each other at Costco. I wonder if he thought about me. I doubt it though he probabaly had girls all over him in college. Jason wandered in slowly seeming to be taking in every sight. He was walking on eggshells around me; barely touching anything and making minimal eye contact. 

“Thanks,” I responded. “I just bought it a couple of months ago.”

“Well it is beautiful, especially that chandellier. Wow.” Jason repeated himself but I just ignored it. I told him to follow me into the kitchen while I checked on dinner. 

“I was so happy to run into you. I just moved to this city and I don’t have any friends yet but I guess now I do have one.” I smiled. A look of sadness or maybe worry flashed across his face but he wiped it away too quickly for me to read it. Maybe I smiled too big or touched on a sensitive subject. I went back to focusing on dinner. FIrst, I took the chicken out of the oven and put it on the table. Then, mashed potates and vegetables followed. By the time I put everything on the table I realized no one had spoken for about five minutes. I turned the conversation to his time at college, his job, and where he lives. I told him about my last couple of years and slowly we fell back into that groove from high school. We talked and laughed over dinner and by the end of dinner I noticed we had slowly gotten closer to eachother. I don’t rememeber either of us moving but I looked up from the picture Jason was showing me and our faces were inches apart. We both immediately backed up and nervously laughed. My palms were getting very sweaty and Jason seemed to have tied and untied his shoes seven times. I cleaned up dinner and Jason helped me wash the dishes. The last time I had looked at the clock it was seven o’clock then I blincked and it was eleven thirty already. Jason and I slowly migrate to the front door but neither of us seem to want this night to end. We reminisce over times in high school and a couple of times our hands graze eachother but no one acknowledges it. Finally we both agree that it is getting late and Jason makes a step to the door but quickly spins around. Before I process what is happening Jason’s lips meet mine and all the awkward tension from tonight, actually the enitre world, dissappears. 

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