The Coffee Shop | Teen Ink

The Coffee Shop

May 25, 2021
By 21stiefele BRONZE, Wets Chester, Pennsylvania
21stiefele BRONZE, Wets Chester, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Can I have an iced coffee with cream?” I looked down to the ticking on my wrist. I have to check how much I have: 300 years, 243 days, 54 hours, 28 minutes. 

“That will be 3 hours please.” The man behind the counter says as he holds up the machine. I lay my wrist down and watch as the machine slowly decreases my time. I look back up at the man and smile as my wrist rests back by my purse. “It’ll be out in about 5 minutes, if you could please wait over there.” He directed his arm over to the corner of the coffee shop.

I shouldn't be spending my time so recklessly. I emphasize with air quotes in my mind. My mother always yelled at me when I was growing up for buying extras but I never minded. Of course money is still a thing, but only for things such as houses, rent, and bills. Other than that if you want to buy something, you lose your own time. I never had to worry about not having enough time. My family was thankfully, very comfortable. 

“Iced coffee with cream?” Is called out. I go up to grab my drink but at the same time, someone else does. 

“Oh-uh, I had ordered the same thing.” He takes his hand away and backs up. 

“That's alright.” I look down at his wrist that he tries to hide. 30 years 26 days 14 minutes. He can't be much older than me, “You can take this one, I'll wait for the next one.” I wouldn't want him to waste his time standing here. 

“No, I wouldn't take it from a lady.” He steps back again.

“Please just-”

“Iced coffee with cream? Small?” The worker calls out once again. The man goes and grabs that one.

“See, wasn't even that long of a wait.” He shrugs and takes a sip of the coffee.  

Ignoring his words I walk away, expecting him to follow me. “Hey wait, I never did get your name,” he called out.

“My name is Amy.” I smile and walk out of the coffee shop. That is the longest I swear it has ever taken me to leave the coffee shop. 

It was three days later when I found myself back at the same coffee shop. I didn't know what drove me to come here again. Its the farthest shop from my work and the one I rarely go to. Something was pushing me to come here though. I parked my car and headed in.  I figured out exactly what it was when I walked into the glass doors and saw the man from the other day sitting by the window. It's like it was fate: he stood up to throw his trash away just as I stepped into line. “Oh, hey Amy. It's nice to see you again.” He smiled and wiped his hands clean on his pants. I smiled and nodded in his direction so that I could focus on ordering my coffee.

 “Good morning!” I greet the barista who already looks done with the day. 

After getting my coffee and finding a quiet table to read my book at, it was pretty early so I didn't have to be at work anytime soon. My thoughts get interrupted when suddenly I realize, I don't even know this man's name. The stranger from the other day sits across from me at the table.  “Can I help you?” I try to hide a smile on my face as I look at him over my book. 

“Nope, Just admiring the view.” He leans his chin on his hand and stares up at me.

“Okay well I'm trying to read this book.” I laugh lightly and point down at it. 

“I would love to take you out on a date, Amy.” He leans both of his arms down on the table, showing his time on his wrist.

“I don't even know your name, mister.” I fake a glare towards him. “And besides, My parents would never let me date someone with uh-.” I gesture towards his wrist. He subconsciously covers it with his other hand.

“You mean my time?” He looks down. “Because it's too short.”

I nod, not sure what else to say.  It's quiet for a while before he finally decides to get up. “Well I'll be on my way then.” He slaps his hand down on the table and gets up from his chair to walk away. I have a weird feeling in my chest as I watch him walk out. 

“Wait.” I yell to him as I try to catch up to his fast feet. I grab his shoulder and turn him around. “Forget what my parents say. So what with what they think.” I shrug and let his shoulder go. 

“Really?” He looks down at me. 

“Yes you can take me out on a date-if you tell me your name,” I exclaim and shove him in the chest. 

It was like the beginning of a fairytale as we walked away from the coffee shop talking to each other. Every few seconds our shoulders brushed against each other. When we finally stopped at my car and he pulled me into a hug after returning my phone, I knew I had made the right decision. 

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow night.” He lets go of me to slowly walk away. I wave and get into my car.

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