letter to my first love | Teen Ink

letter to my first love MAG

December 18, 2023
By booklover0725 GOLD, Bethesda, Maryland
booklover0725 GOLD, Bethesda, Maryland
17 articles 1 photo 0 comments


Do you remember the summer we spent chasing fireflies under the night sky? The way they flickered like stars in the dark, illuminating your face as we danced beneath the ephemeral glow? It feels like a lifetime ago, and yet the memories linger like the scent of rain on a warm summer evening.

I replay our relationship in my mind. One fateful encounter in a café that led to quiet nights and sunlit days spent side-by-side. The soft hum of conversation around us faded into the background as we shared our hopes for the future, sipping coffee that tasted like the promise of new beginnings.

I heard your favorite song on the radio the other day. The lyrics stirred something in me that I can’t quite place. For a moment, I was back in your arms, swaying to the music as it wrapped around us like a warm embrace. I wanted to etch the memory of your presence onto my skin like constellations of stars. I wanted to drown in the depths of your eyes, those vast oceans of azure.

To be 18 again, with the future unfolding like a flower in bloom. At 18, our love was infinite and our dreams ever-present. 18, and the world was ours.

I should have memorized every part of you. The way you crinkled your nose when you laughed. The subtle fragrance of your favorite cologne, a hint of smoky incense and sun-kissed petals lingering in the air. Lazy afternoons spent lying on the grass, fingers entwined. The way you whispered sweet nothings in the hushed moments before dawn, made promises you couldn’t keep. Do you remember us, and the love we thought would last forever?

In my mind, the echo of your laugh reverberates like a beautiful melody that lingers long after it fades away. I can still feel the warmth of your touch, remember an embrace that felt like home. I hold you in the quiet corners of my heart and cherish every moment we shared.

I think that I might always be a little bit in love with you.

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