New Beginning | Teen Ink

New Beginning

December 13, 2009
By Christa Santulli BRONZE, Shoreham, New York
Christa Santulli BRONZE, Shoreham, New York
1 article 1 photo 0 comments


Seems the only one that doesn’t see your beauty, is the face in the mirror looking back at you. You walk around here thinking your not pretty, but that’s not true..

I looked into my mirror watching the forlorn expression that was staring back at me. This was not how things were supposed to be. My life shouldn’t have turned out like this. My insides felt entangled, tortured. My life was a mess. I felt like a hideous monster, I could almost see the greenish tint to my face, the black beady eyes baring into my soul. I was a monster. Who exactly was I a monster to? Everyone. My family, my friends, my entire school. I scowled at myself. How could I have done this? I had been deemed an outcast now, and it was no surprise to me. Now my life would be made a living hell by my so called “friends” and every other nasty person in my school. I shouldv’e known never to get involved in a group like that. One little incident would ruin your entire reputation. Your entire life. And yet I did. And now this is where I stand. My name is Winter Evans and this is the story of my life.

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