Obsessed | Teen Ink


December 15, 2009
By Anonymous

I looked at the clock.

Then I stared.

I looked at the clock.

And then I stared again.

Stop now or else he is going to end up noticing, I told myself.

So I looked at the clock, and stared out of the corner of my eye. Crap. He noticed. Sure he smiled then looked back at his paper, no seeming to really care. But still, he noticed, and I couldn’t be caught again.

But two minutes later, I looked again. I couldn’t help myself. This is the evil that happens when I am stuck sitting next to him. The one of perfect imperfections. The one with the blonde hair and blue eyes, those eyes that turned gray with the clouds, turned baby blue with the sun. That smile that wasn’t quite perfect, but was perfect in my world. Just one smile could brighten my entire day. It was an obsession, one that has lasted for the past five years, one that I cannot seem to stop. I am beginning to feel like a stalker.

And then the bell rang. We left class, and he was laughing. Laughing with her. That girl that couldn’t care less about him, the one that he adores. And it is so easy to tell. The look in those wonderful eyes says it all.

A walk to my locker, then into next period. He isn’t there, isn’t in most of my classes. And in ten minutes, I couldn’t take it anymore.

I looked around, made sure that no one was looking. Then I pulled out my binder, and, from that binder, a page from last year’s yearbook. The most important page of the whole book.

And I stared into those blue eyes, and that smile.

Purely and utterly obsessed.

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