most handsome smile | Teen Ink

most handsome smile

December 21, 2009
By inkismyblood SILVER, Apo Ae, Other
inkismyblood SILVER, Apo Ae, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you have to enjoy the little thing's in life."

-Tallahasse, Zombieland

i had to get out of that horrid place. i couldn't stand looking at that house. His screams still ringing in my ears. i don't want to wear long sleeved shirts anymore. i want to be able to wear a tank top and not worry about people asking about bruises or cuts.
I went to the park on the only sunny day in london. i was walking to the bridge when i saw him. I thought i should say hi to him so someone would hear my last words. I could tell he thought i was pretty. He waved to me, and for the first time in a while i felt happy. Well, not happy, but happier. But i felt the blood trickling down my sleeve and i felt worse then ever before. i stood there for a minute, just staring at the water. It was so still and calm, but in my head i said it would be red soon. i stood on the ledge and i just let myself fall forward. i twirled up so that i could see the sky before i went. Then something blocked my view, it was that man. i felt his skin touch mine and just before i touched the water. As he pulled me up I lost concousness.
When i woke up in the hospital he was there with his handsome smile.
"hey sleeping beauty." He said.
"Hi. How long was I asleep?" i asked him.
"Not very long. The nurse came in and took her to the nursery already. She said she'll bring her back later."
"Jake, thank you."
" For what Stacy?" Jake asked.
"For saving me that day in the park. I love you."
"You weren't the only one saved that day ya know? My life didn't start until then. You woke me up. I love You." He said and that smile i woke up to spread across his face. I felt so warm inside. I felt safe. In the midst of beeping medical machines i heard her cry.


The author's comments:
Sequel to Most Beautiful Smile. I thought people should hear the Girl's POV.

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