Letter to my love | Teen Ink

Letter to my love

March 1, 2010
By Anonymous

My love,

I am writing you this letter in fear of how I feel. Well of in fear of you not feeling the same. I find this much easier than face to face. I had planed to tell you face to face and run but that seems like a childish thing to do so I will write you this letter. Even though you are no longer mine I still feel this burning jealousy when you talk to other girls. I get these insane butterflies just thinking what we could be. I think about you non-stop and that you are my whole world. I wish you could see how much you really mean to me. I love you baby, open your eyes and see that! I want you to realize that I’m the one for you. I made you my favorite guy, now will you make me your favorite girl? I wish I could tell you that your the reason I hit someone I considered my best friend. It made me so mad to think that you think she is better than me. I know I shouldn’t feel this way you broke up with me I should just move on. It seems before that was the one thing I was good at but now I just don’t know its not easy this time which is weird and confusing. I’ve never had this hard of a time moving on!! And I know you probably think I’m insane and stupid but I think its better that you know how I feel.

Forever yours

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