Moonlight | Teen Ink


July 7, 2013
By Phoebe Bruce SILVER, Fownhope, Other
Phoebe Bruce SILVER, Fownhope, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And there we were. In the back of my dad's pick-up, surrounded by the trees and the warm midsummer air. Just you and me. The breeze blowing your amber locks onto my face, the moonlight glinting off your emerald eyes, the blanket slouching into your every curve. I stared up into the stars as I watched you try to catch the meteorites that shot through the sky with your petite hands. I could not help to think that in that moment, you were the only girl with a laugh like glitter, and a smile like a thousand tiny rubies. And as your energy decreased, and your breathing slowed, I felt your warm body fall ever closer to mine. Then there you were: eyes shut, breathing deeply into my chest, fingers twisted through my shirt, fast asleep under the twinkling stars. I stared at you as you slept, counting your heartbeats.. one.. two.. three.. watching your chest rise and fall with the surrounding blanket.. seven.. eight.. nine.. kissing your forehead as I move closer.. fourteen.. fifteen.. sixteen.. wrapping my arms around your soft skin.. twenty.. twenty-one.. falling slowly asleep under the open sky..

I woke up to the crystalline blue sky of the early morning, with you still fast asleep beside me. I wiped my face, moist from the morning air. I kiss your cheek and tuck you up, getting out from the back of the truck and going to the front to check my phone: 3am. I put on my walking boots and stroll over to the stream that runs through the field. I check my reflection in the dim light, my hair sticking out at every angle, and continue to turn around back to the pick up truck: the cold air has got to my nose. As I walk back I see you have woken up. Whilst taking my shoes off I feel two, very sleepy, arms wrap around my waist. I jump at your touch, and quickly push my boots off and throw them to the mildewy ground, tiny water droplets spotting onto my boots. I turn around and roll onto you, before pressing my cold lips against yours. I support my half-awake body above yours with one hand, the other making its way to the blanket to pull it over me. I open my eyes and stare longingly into yours, smiling as you yawn like a tiny lion cub.

The author's comments:
Camping an the stars were my main inspiration for this piece. It is not based on anybody in particular, just a relationship that includes the girl who is a precious jewel.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 11 2013 at 12:57 am
AdrianaMartinez SILVER, Goose Creek, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Carpe Diem .

This work is really cute and playful. I love the way you described each and every little detail to make the story come to life. The ending wrapped up the short fiction pretty nicely also. I really enjoyed reading this.